
作者: 比特派钱包
2024-03-07 18:48:01

在线雇佣威客&寻找自由职业工作 | Freelancer

在线雇佣威客&寻找自由职业工作 | Freelancer

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让梦想成真使用Freelancer 最优秀的人才通过探索作品集和个人资料中的反馈分享,寻找可靠的专业人士。快速竞价从熟练的威客那里快速免费获得报价。 80%的工作在60秒内收到投标。您的梦想可以瞬间成真。优质工作Freelancer拥有超过6000万专业人士的人才库触手可及,您将找到优质人才来完成您所需的工作。尽在掌握中持续动态更新。与您的威客聊天并通过我们的移动应用程序随时随地获取实时更新。 让您梦想成真。

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如何开始 Freelancer 生涯? - 知乎

如何开始 Freelancer 生涯? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册PHPSOHO自由职业Upworkfreelancer.com如何开始 Freelancer 生涯?在魔都工作,做 PHP,技术上没问题,JS 很不错,但是不会美工。 月入10k(税后),但是不想买房。想在未来的3~5年转向对外的freelancer…显示全部 ​关注者1,028被浏览713,965关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 27​1 条评论​分享​18 个回答默认排序知乎用户digital nomad工作的种类有很多,但也可以分为主要的两大类:创业者和自由职业者,即entrepreneur和freelancer。下面是13个寻找和发布自由职业(包括兼职和全职)的freelance网站。其中,国外网站的比例明显超过国内。这一是说明国外对远程式工作方式的接受度远远大于我国;另一个则说明如果我们的英文专业水平提高,就可以为我们打开一个更广阔的freelance市场,而且在薪酬上也可以更具优势。1. UpworkUpwork的前身是oDesk,拥有超过1.5百万客户。它提供各个种类的自由职业,各种短期或长期的项目,按小时或按项目统计的工作,针对专业水平和业余水平的项目。种类这么多,你肯定能找到一个合适的。Upwork - Hire Freelancers & Get Freelance Jobs Online2. Toptal与其他的平台不同,Toptal略显高端,是针对更专业更有经验的自由职业者的。在Toptal上你可以找到像JPMorgan,

Zendesk, Airbnb这类大客户,而且薪酬也更高,同时还可以有机会参加Toptal社区举行的meetup。Hire the top 3% of freelance developers, designers, and other tech talent.3. ElanceElance也是在freelancer中相当受欢迎的一个平台,工作种类覆盖面也特别广。它的特色是简化了整个使用体验,从建立档案到支付和收款都变得快速而安全。Hire freelancers and find freelance jobs instantly4. Freelancer除了常用的功能,Freelancer的特色是它可以让竞争者们展示他们的得意作品,或者与其他人同时竞争一个项目。https://www.freelancer.com/5. FiverrFiverr是一个相比其他网站更有趣的兼职平台。你可以在上面出售你的独特技能,最低售价是5美元。你可以在上面找到很多新奇,甚至奇怪的技能!Fiverr: The marketplace for creative & professional services6. RemoteokRemoteok不仅提供兼职类的远程工作,还有全职类,签署合同类和实习类的工作。网站开发者本人就是一个digital nomad。Remote Jobs for Digital Nomads7. 99designs这个是主要针对平面设计师的平台,你可以与其他设计师竞争一个项目,并且可以得到客户的意见反馈。https://99designs.com/8. Guru你可以在guru的平台上很好的展示自己的作品,并且针对你的技能,guru会为你推送适合的工作项目。Guru - Hire Quality Freelancers And Find Freelance Jobs9. Wfhwfh其实是work from home的缩写,它主要发布的是关于软件开发类的工作,也有关于客户支持、设计等工作。https://www.wfh.io/10. Freelance Writing Gigs如果你是作家、编辑、博主、出版人,或是以上的综合,你应该可以在freelance

writing gigs的平台上找到合适的工作。Freelance Writing Jobs11. GetACoder这个网站主要是针对网站设计、编程、写作类工作的,同时也包含很多与项目管理、培训、营销、游戏、法律相关的工作。http://www.getacoder.com/12. Weworkremotely这个网站也是主要针对编程、客户支持、设计类工作。虽然相对小众,但是也值得探索哦。Remote Jobs: Design, Programming, Rails, Executive, Marketing, Copywriting, and more.13. 杰客网国内目前比较靠谱的自由职业者网站,覆盖范围也比较广,APP做的比网站强很多,可以了解下。杰客网—专注于市场公关活动的自由职业者众包平台发布于 2016-03-01 13:03​赞同 408​​12 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​唐河散人纵浪大化间,不喜亦不惧。​ 关注Upwork平台为全世界任何有人力资源需求的企业、个人提供一个巨大的人才池。来自全世界各个国家和地区的机构,企业,商人以及有技能的个人都可以在平台注册来找到工作机会,你可以选择在咖啡馆,会所,甚至是家里等地方工作,都有着非常棒的工作体验。截止到目前,Upwork拥有注册 自由职业者900万 和 客户400万。值得一提地是Upwork公司的千余名雇员,包含300余名正式雇员和来自全球各个国家的700多名自由职业者。自由职业市场现状在推出Upwork之前,自由职业市场前三名分别是 Elance,Odesk,和 Freelancer。在推出Upwork以后 曾经三足鼎立的人力服务市场形成了现在 Upwork.com 和 Freelancer.com 分庭抗礼的格局。Freelancer是全球规模最大的自由人力市场。总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,成立于2004年, 号称有两千万级别的注册自由职业者, 相比较Upwork ,Freelancer有一个优势即有中文版本, 在中国还算是比较有名的。所以活跃在该平台上的中国自由职业者比 Upwork 多了很多,不过就个人的使用体验和听取一些大家的反馈,Freelancer 平台上的项目单价、客户质量都比Upwork低一些。因为门槛很低, 所以在Freelancer平台工作需要避开印巴人民的低价竞争, 精选单价高、客户优质的项目去竞标 。总结一下就是 Upwork追求的是 严谨和优质,而 Freelancer奉行的是 大而全。欧美其他自由职业平台:除了 Upwork 和 Freelancer 这个综合类的人力市场独角兽外,还有以下流行的自由职业平台:综合类工作平台:Fiverr是以模块化固定价格进行人力服务的网站。总部位于位于北美。成立于2009年12月, Fiverr的网站用户可以在线提交他们可以提供的服务,然后获得报酬,这些服务包罗万象,比如图像设计,翻译,文案等等,正如创始之初网站的名字, Fiverr每件小差事售价只有五美元。如果用户获得不错的顾客评价,那么他们就可以在Fiverr上建立起自己的声誉,逐步接手价格更高的服务,最高服务单价可达500美元。PeoplePerHour是欧洲最大的自由职业者和小企业交易平台。成立于2007年, 它是一款面向自由职业者的自由市场,网站上的项目涵盖了传统自由职业者接受的所有类型,例如:网站开发,程序开发,翻译写作,创意设计,数据录入等等。在这个开放式的平台中,你可以悬赏发布各类项目,等待有能力胜任者来接。也可以作为一个自由职业者,寻找合适的工作项目来做。Guru是热门的人力资源市场。建立于2001年,这个平台使各种自由职业者能够展示他们的技能和服务,并且找到合适的工作。Guru帮助成员提高自主创业的能力,支持虚拟办公和远程办公。竞价激烈,但不乏高质项目。网站有非常详尽的筛选功能,通过评价、时间、预算找到最合适的项目。程序员接单平台:TopCoder是一个面向平面设计师和程序员的网站。它采用比赛、评分、支酬等方式吸引众多平面设计师和程序员业余工作。网站主要领域均在编程方面。Toptal号称全球精英自由职业者平台。宣称只筛选前3%的自由职业开发者和设计师。加入 Toptal,申请人必须通过筛选,包括英语和沟通能力,以及各种专业领域的技术考试,比如限时算法测试、现场编程等。设计类工作平台:99designs是世界上最大的在线平面设计交易市场。将有设计需求的初创企业、小型公司、营销机构等与来自全球 192个国家超过 25万平面设计师连接在一起。国际化专业翻译类平台:Gengo是一个付费人力翻译的高品质翻译网站。主要针对于商业用户,在这个全球化世界里,人与人的交流计划剧增。Gengo采用的是人员分布式的翻译,简单一点说,是威客网站的翻译专业版本。他在网站公开招募翻译员,这些翻译员只需要通过测试,即可成为一名翻译。按照他们的网站的说法,成为他们的在线翻译,有很多好处。比如工作时间自由、不用考虑结算问题、由Gengo负责、工作压力不大等等。Gengo在保证质量上,第一要求是母语翻译,翻译员只能翻译为自己母语的内容,这样保证了质量,且Gengo有审核团队,会对翻译后的内容进行审核。Proz是国际范围内翻译行业知名度最高的翻译威客类网站。这里涵盖了国际范围内的众多知名翻译,项目质量来说相对专业, 报价相对较高,付款也很及时,保障性比较好。Translatorscafe是流行度最高的国际性翻译人社区。入住几十万专业翻译和机构。从报价和项目质量来说相对专业。在上面可以接国外的翻译做赚外汇,也可以在上面学习提高翻译能力。最后说明一点,大家最开始在这些国外平台接活,建议专注一个平台,等到慢慢步入正轨后再考虑开拓多平台,每个平台刚开始都不容易,如果不能保持专注,贪多求全往往更不容易成功,强力建议专注于Upwork,等在Upwork平台 立足后再兼顾其他平台。当然,如果你英语不行,这一切都免谈。那就老老实实在国内的猪八戒干(据说每年要交1万多元租金和每笔百分之二十的佣金,吃相太难看。),或者考虑人人威客网(http://www.renrenvk.com)这样的小站,虽然任务少一点,但是没有剥削。发布于 2018-07-30 18:34​赞同 49​​1 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

自由职业和项目 | Freelancer

自由职业和项目 | Freelancer








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ArcMap (0)

ARCore (0)

Arena Simulation Programming (1)

Argus监控软件 (0)

Ariba (0)

ARKit (0)

Armadillo (0)

Articulate Storyline (5)

人工智能 (54)



AS400 与 iSeries (0)

Asana (1)

ASM (0)

ASP (7)



ASP.NET (44)


Aspen HYSYS (2)

Assembla (0)

汇编 (3)

Asterisk PBX (22)

Atlassian Confluence (0)

Atlassian Jira (2)

Atmel (0)

增强现实 (3)

AutoCAD Advance Steel (1)

AutoHotkey (1)

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) (0)

Automation (10)

Automation Codeless Program (0)

AutoML (0)

Autonomous AI (0)

Avaya (0)

AWS Amplify (2)

AWS Lambda (6)

AWS Polly (0)

AWS SageMaker (0)

AWS Textract (0)

AWS Translate (0)

Azure (19)

Backbase (0)

backbone.js (0)

Backend Development (21)

Background Removal (0)

Backtesting (1)

Baidu (0)

Balsamiq (0)

Bash (0)

Bash Scripting (0)

BeautifulSoup (2)

大数据 (0)

Big Data Sales (13)

BigCommerce (5)

BigQuery (2)

Binance (3)

Binance Smart Chain (7)

二进制分析 (0)

Binary Search (0)

Bioinformatics (1)



Biostatistics (0)

BIRT Development (0)

Bitcoin (5)

BitMEX (0)

BitMEX API (0)

Bitrix (0)

Biztalk (1)

Blazor (6)

Blender (22)

Blockchain (50)

博客安装 (0)

Bluebeam (1)

低功耗蓝牙(BLE) (13)

BMC 纠正 (0)

Boonex Dolphin (0)

Boost (0)

Bower (0)

Braintree (1)

BSD (0)

Bubble Developer (7)

BuddyPress (0)

Buildbox (0)

Bukkit (1)

商业催化剂 (0)

Business Central (2)

商务智能 (1)

C 编程 (216)



C# 编程 (182)



C++编程 (167)



CakePHP (4)

调用控制XML (0)

Camio software (0)

Camtasia (2)

CAN Bus (0)

Cardano (0)

Carthage (0)

CasperJS (0)

Caspio (0)

Cassandra (0)

Celery (0)

CentOs (0)

Certified Ethical Hacking (9)

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (0)

Chart.js (0)

Charts (0)

Chatbot (8)

ChatGPT (13)

Chef 配置管理 (1)

Chordiant (0)

Chrome 操作系统 (2)

Chromium (0)

CI/CD (2)

Cinematography (2)

CircleCI (0)

CircuitMaker (0)

CircuitStudio (0)

思科 (22)

Citadela (0)

Citrix (1)

ClickUp (2)

CLIPS软件 (0)

Clojure (0)

Cloud (0)

云计算 (29)

Cloud Custodian (0)

Cloud Data (0)

Cloud Development (0)

Cloud Finance (0)

Cloud Foundry (0)

Cloud Monitoring (1)

Cloud Networking (4)

Cloud Procurement (0)

Cloud Security (1)

Cloudflare (1)

Clover (0)

CMS (4)

CNC (0)


Cocoa (6)

Cocoa Touch (0)

CocoaPods (0)

Cocos2d (0)

Codeigniter (28)

编程 (16)

CoffeeScript (0)

Cognos (0)

零度聚变 (1)


CompTIA (0)

计算机图形 (3)

Computer Science (3)

计算机安全 (44)

计算机视觉 (5)

Construct 3 (2)

Content Management System (CMS) (2)

Copyright (2)

Corda (0)

Cordana (0)

Core PHP (1)

Corel Draw (3)



Corteza (0)

cPanel (5)

华润创业加载 (0)

Creo (1)

Crestron (1)

Cross Browser (0)

Cryptocurrency (26)

CS-Cart (0)

CSS2 (0)

CSS3 (2)

CubeCart (1)

CUDA (3)

cURL (1)

CV Library (0)

cxf (0)

D3.js (1)

Dall-E (0)

Dapper (0)

DApps (5)

Dart (12)

Data Backup (1)

Data Collection (3)

Data Governance (3)

Data Integration (6)

Data Management (4)

Data Modeling (1)

Data Modernization (0)

Data Visualization (20)



数据仓库 (3)

数据库管理 (48)

数据库开发 (38)

数据库编程 (60)

DataLife引擎 (0)

Datatables (0)

DDS (0)

Debian (9)

调试 (0)

Delphi (3)


Desktop Application (3)

Development (0)

Development Operations (0)

DIALux (0)

Digital Marketing (34)



Digital Operations (1)

Digital Signal Processing (0)

Digital System Engineering (0)

DigitalOcean (2)

DirectX (4)

Discord API (3)

Distributed Systems (0)

Django (67)

DNS (13)

Docker (13)

Docker Compose (2)

Documentation (5)

Dogecoin (0)

Dojo (0)

DOM (0)

DOS (0)

DotNetNuke (2)

Dovecot (0)

Draw.io (0)

Dropbox API (0)

Drupal (8)

Dthreejs (2)

Dynamic 365 (0)

动力学 (1)

Dynatrace (1)

Dynatrace Software Monitoring (0)

EC Pay Workday (0)

Eclipse (0)

ECMAScript (0)

电子商务 (333)



Editorial Design (0)

edX (0)

Elasticsearch (9)

电子学习 (3)

Electron JS (4)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (0)

电子表格 (1)

Elementor (16)

ElevenLabs (0)

Elixir (2)

Elm (0)

电子邮件开发者 (4)

嵌入式软件 (13)

Ember.js (0)

Enterprise Architecture (2)

Ergo (0)

Erlang (1)

ERP Software (1)

ES8 Javascript (0)

Espruino (1)

Ethereum (18)

Etherscan (1)

ETL (3)

Express JS (28)

语法引擎 (0)

Ext JS (1)

F# (0)

面部识别 (0)

Facebook API (2)

Facebook Development (1)

Facebook Pixel (3)

Facebook Product Catalog (1)

Facebook SDK (0)

FastAPI (2)

Fastlane (0)

FaunaDB (0)

Fedora (0)

Figma (32)



FileMaker (2)

Financial Software Development (1)

FinTech (0)

火狐 (3)

Firewall (0)

Firmware (5)


Flask (14)

Flutter (101)

Formstack (0)

Forth (0)

Fortran (1)

论坛软件 (3)

FoxyCart (0)

Framer (1)

Freelancer API (3)

斐讯通信 (2)

Frontend Development (15)

Fruugo (0)

Full Stack Development (31)

Funnel (1)

Fusion 360 (2)

游戏控制台 (2)

游戏设计 (57)



游戏开发 (85)

GameMaker (1)

GameSalad (0)

游戏化 (1)

Garmin IQ (0)

GatsbyJS (0)

GCP AI (0)

GenAI (0)

Genetic Algebra Modelling System (0)

Geofencing (0)

Geographical Information System (GIS) (1)

GeoJSON (0)

GeoServer (0)

GIMP (1)

Git (8)

GitHub (14)



GitLab (1)

GoDaddy (1)

Godot (0)

Golang (10)

谷歌分析 (42)

Google APIs (8)

谷歌应用引擎 (10)

Google Apps Scripts (5)

Google Canvas (2)

Google Cardboard (0)

谷歌浏览器 (22)

Google Cloud Platform (7)



谷歌云存储 (0)

Google Data Studio (5)

Google Docs (7)

谷歌地球 (2)

Google Firebase (24)

谷歌地图API (21)

Google PageSpeed Insights (0)

谷歌 Plus (27)

Google Search (8)

Google Sheets (32)

Google Systems (4)

Google Tag Management (2)

谷歌网页工具 (1)

谷歌Webmaster 工具 (4)

GoPro (0)


GPT Vision API (0)

GPT-3 (3)

GPT-4 (2)

GPT-4V (0)

Gradio (1)

Grails (0)

Graphical Network Simulator-3 (0)

Graphics Programming (0)

GraphQL (1)

Gravity Forms (2)

Graylog (0)

Grease Monkey (0)

GrooveFunnels (0)

黑客营销 (2)

Grunt (0)

GTK+ (1)

GTmetrix (0)

Guacamole (0)

Guidewire (0)

Gulp.js (0)

Hadoop (3)

Handlebars.js (0)

Hardware Security Module (1)

Haskell (2)

HBase (0)

Heroku (0)

Heron (0)

Hewlett Packard (0)

HeyGen (0)

HFT (1)

Hibernate (0)

Highcharts (0)


Hive (0)

HomeKit (1)

Houdini (1)

惠普 Openview (0)

HP-UX (0)

HTC Vive (0)

HTML (1495)



HTML5 (188)



HTTP (0)

Hubspot (5)

Hugo (1)

Hybrid App (1)

Hybris (0)

Hyperledger (1)

Hyperledger Fabric (3)

HyperMesh (0)

iBeacon (1)

IBM Bluemix (0)

IBM业务流程管理 (0)

IBM Cloud (0)

IBM Datapower (0)

IBM Integration bus (0)

IBM MQ (0)

IBM Tivoli (0)

IBM Tririga (0)

IBM Websphere 转换工具 (0)

互联网信息服务 (5)

iMacros (0)

IMAP (0)

Infor (0)

Informatica (0)

Informatica MDM (0)

Informatica Powercenter ETL (0)

Instagram (49)

Instagram API (4)

网络安全 (36)



Interspire (1)

离子工作框架 (9)

Ionic React (0)

IOS开发 (31)



IT Operating Model (0)

IT Project Management (2)

IT strategy (0)

IT Transformation (0)

ITIL (2)

J2EE (9)

Jabber (0)

Jade Development (0)

Jamf (0)

Jamstack (0)

Jasmine Javascript (0)

Java (330)



Java ME (0)

Java Spring (4)

Java Technical Architecture (0)

JavaFX (3)

JavaScript (720)



Javascript ES6 (1)

JD Edwards CNC (0)

Jenkins (4)

Jimdo (0)

Jinja2 (3)

Jitsi (0)

JMeter (0)

Joomla (13)

jqGrid (0)

jQuery (10)

jQuery / Prototype (41)



JSON (16)



JSP (3)

JUCE (0)

Julia Development (0)

Julia Language (0)

Juniper (1)

JUnit (2)

K2 (1)

Kajabi (0)

Karma Javascript (0)

Kendo UI (0)

Keras (0)

Keycloak (0)

Keyshot (0)

Kibana (3)

Kinect (0)


Knockout.js (0)

Kubernetes (6)

LabVIEW (1)

LAMP (0)

Laravel (155)

厉动软件开发工具包 (0)

LearnDash (0)

Learning Management Solution (LMS) Consulting (0)

Learning Management Systems (LMS) (1)

LESS/Sass/SCSS (2)


LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) (1)

Linear Regression (0)

Link Building (237)



Linkedin (23)

LINQ (0)

Linux (167)



Liquid Template (2)

Lisp (0)

Litecoin (0)

LiveCode (5)

Local Area Networking (4)

Lottie (1)

Lotus Notes (0)

Low Code (3)

脚本语言 (6)

Lucee (0)

Lucene (0)

Lumion (0)

Mac 操作系统 (14)

Magento (17)

Magento 2 (7)

Magic Leap (0)

Magnolia (0)

MailerLite (1)

Make.com (3)

Managed Analytics (0)

Map Reduce (1)

MapKit (0)

MariaDB (4)

MEAN Stack (0)

MERN (1)

MERN Stack (16)

Messenger Marketing (1)

Meta Pixel (1)

Metal (1)

Metamask (1)

Metatrader (64)

MetaTrader 4 (12)

Metatrader 5 (9)

MeteorJS (0)

Micropython (1)

Micros RES (0)

微软 (18)

Microsoft 365 (7)

微软Access (32)

Microsoft Azure (11)

微软Exchange (14)

微软Expression (0)

Microsoft Graph (1)

微软全息眼镜 (0)

Microsoft PowerBI (10)

Microsoft Project (1)

微软 SQL 服务器 (45)

微软Visio (4)

MicroStrategy (0)

Minecraft (8)

Mininet (0)

Minitab (0)


移动应用测试 (16)

Mobile Development (3)

Modding (2)

MODx (0)

Moho (0)

Monday.com (4)

MonetDB (0)

MongoDB (25)

Monkey C (0)

Moodle (7)

MOVEit (0)

Moz (0)

MQL4 (16)

MQTT (1)

Mule (0)

MuleSoft (0)

MVC (10)

MyBB (1)

MySpace (1)

MySQL (575)



Nagios Core (0)

National Building Specification (0)

NAV (0)

Nest.js (8)

Netbeans (0)

Netlify (0)

NetSuite (3)

网络管理 (67)

Network Engineering (4)

Network Monitoring (0)

Network Security (3)

Next.js (73)

Nginx (8)

NgRx (0)

Ning (0)

NLP (10)

Node.js (159)

Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) (6)

NoSQL (2)

NoSQL Couch 和 Mongo (35)

Notion (2)

NumPy (1)

Nuxt.JS (0)

开放认证 (6)

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) (0)

Objective C (105)



光学字符识别 (8)

OctoberCMS (0)

Oculus移动软件开发工具包 (0)

Oculus Rift (1)

Odoo (17)

Office 365 (7)

Office Add-ins (0)

Offline Conversion Facebook API Integration (0)

OKTA (0)

Open Cart (8)

Open Interpreter (0)

Open Journal Systems (0)

Open Source (1)

OpenAI (13)

OpenBravo (0)

OpenBSD (0)

OpenCL (1)

OpenCV (4)

OpenGL (3)

OpenNMS (0)

OpenSceneGraph (0)

为网络通信提供安全及数据完整性的一种安全协议 (1)

OpenStack (1)

OpenVMS (0)

OpenVPN (1)

OpenVZ (0)

Oracle (14)

Oracle Analytics (0)

Oracle APEX (2)

Oracle Database (2)

Oracle EBS Tech Integration (0)

Oracle Hyperion (0)

Oracle OBIA (0)

Oracle OBIEE (0)

Oracle Primavera (2)

Oracle Retail (0)

OSCommerce (0)

OTT (1)

Outreach.io (0)

P2P Network (0)

Packaging Technology (0)

Page Speed Optimization (1)

Pandas (3)

帕皮阿门托语 (2)

视察滚动 (0)

并行处理 (1)

并行自动化 (1)

并行桌面 (1)

Pardot Development (0)

Pascal (0)

模式匹配 (0)

Payment Gateway Integration (19)

PayPal (0)

PayPal API (8)

Paytrace (0)

PC Programming (0)

PCI Compliance (0)


PencilBlue内容管理系统 (0)

Penetration Testing (2)

Pentaho (0)

Performance Tuning (1)

Perl (3)

Phaser (1)

Phoenix (0)

PhoneGap (12)

Photon Multiplayer (0)

Photoshop 编码 (4)

PHP (1881)



PHP Slim (0)

phpBB (0)

phpFox (0)

phpMyAdmin (6)

PhpNuke (0)

PHPrunner (0)

PHPUnit (0)

PICK 多值数据库 (0)

PikaLabs (0)

Pine Script (38)

Pinterest (33)

Pipedrive (2)

PlayFab (0)

Playstation VR (1)

PLC (3)

Plesk (3)

Plivo (0)

插件 (1)

Plutus (0)

Point of Sale (1)

Polarion (0)

Polkadot (0)

Polyworks Inspector (0)

Polyworks Software (0)

POP / POP3 (0)

POS development (0)

PoseNet (0)

Postfix (0)

PostgreSQL (23)

PostgreSQL Programming (1)

Power Automate (8)

Power BI (15)



PowerApps (9)

Powershell软件 (2)

Powtoon (0)

Predictive Analytics (2)

Prestashop (18)

Process Simulation (1)



编程 (19)

Progressive Web Apps (5)

序言 (1)

Prometheus Monitoring (0)

Proto (0)

Protoshare (1)

Prototyping (2)

Protractor Javascript (0)

Puck.js (0)

Puppet (0)

PureScript (0)

Push Notification (3)

PyCaret (0)

PySpark (1)

Python (546)



Pytorch (2)



QlikView (2)

QR Code Making (3)

Qt (0)

Quality Engineering (1)

Qualtrics 调查平台 (0)

Quarkus (0)

QuickBase (3)

Quora (1)

R 编程语言 (16)

RabbitMQ (2)

Racket (0)

RapidWeaver (2)

树莓派 (8)

Ratio Analysis (0)

光线追踪 (0)

Razor Template Engine (1)

React Native (49)

React.js (147)



React.js Framework (12)

REALbasic (0)

Reason (0)

Rebranding (1)



Red Hat (2)

Redis (2)

Redmine (0)

Redshift软件 (1)

Redux.js (4)

Regression Testing (0)

正则表达式 (0)

Relux (0)

Replit (0)


RESTful (8)

RESTful API (9)

Reverse Engineering (6)

Revit (1)

Revit Architecture (0)

RichFaces (0)

Roadnet (0)

Roblox (1)

Robot Operating System (ROS) (3)

火箭工程 (0)

Roslyn (0)

RPG Development (1)

RSS (0)

Ruby (1)

Ruby on Rails (7)

Rust (4)

RxJS (0)

Ryu Controller (1)

SaaS (9)

Sails.js (0)

软件营销应用开发 (16)

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (1)

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (0)

三星附件软件开发工具包 (0)

SAP (14)

SAP 4 Hana (3)


SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (0)



SAP Hybris (1)

SAP Pay (0)

SAP PI (0)

SAP Screen Personas (0)

SAP Transformation (0)

Sass (0)

Scala (0)

Scheme (1)

Scikit Learn (0)

SciPy (0)


Scrapy (1)

脚本安装 (3)

Scripting (3)

Scrivener (0)

Scrum (3)

Scrum 开发 (2)

SD-WAN (0)

SDW N17 Service Qualification (0)

Segment (0)

Selenium (18)

Selenium Webdriver (4)

Sencha / YahooUI (1)

SEO (462)



SEO Auditing (9)

服务器 (11)

Server to Server Facebook API Integration (1)

ServiceNow (1)

SFDC (0)

Sharepoint (16)

shell脚本 (7)

Shopify (149)

Shopify Development (16)

购物车 (56)



Siebel (0)

Silverlight (0)

SIP (1)

Sketch (1)

Sketching (1)

Slack (0)

Smart Contracts (17)

Smarty PHP (1)

SMTP (2)

Snapchat (0)

Snowflake (0)


社会化引擎 (1)

Social Media Management (18)

社交网络 (91)



Socket IO (6)

软件构架 (718)



软件开发 (50)

Software Engineering (8)

Software Performance Testing (0)

软件测试 (79)

Solana (10)

Solaris (0)

Soldering (0)

Solidity (16)

Solutions Architecture (5)

Spark (1)

Sphinx (1)

斯普伦克公司 (0)

Spring Boot (16)

Spring Data (0)

Spring JPA (5)

Spring Security (1)

SPSS统计 (30)

SQL (76)

SQLite (2)

Squarespace (5)

Squid缓存 (0)

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) (0)

SSL (3)

Stable Diffusion (2)

Steam API (1)

存储区网络 (1)

Storm (0)

Strapi (2)

Stripe (8)

版本控制 (0)

SugarCRM (3)

SurveyMonkey (1)

Svelte (3)

SVG (3)

Swift (34)

Swift Package Manager (0)

Swing (Java) (1)

Symfony PHP (4)

系统管理 (85)



System Administration (1)

System Analysis (0)

T-SQL (Transact Structures Query Language) (0)

表演术 (3)



TailWind (7)

Tailwind CSS (18)

Tally定义语言 (2)

TaoBao 应用程序接口 (1)

Tealium (0)

TeamCity (0)

Technology Consulting (0)

Telegram API (14)

Telerik (2)

Tensorflow (7)



Teradata (0)

Terra (0)

Terraform (6)

Test (1)

自动测试 (25)

测试/质量管理 (43)



TestStand (0)

Tether (0)

Thermodynamics (2)

Three.js (5)

商业智能与分析 (0)

Time & Labor SAP (0)

Tinkercad (0)

Titanium开发平台 (0)

Wearables泰泽软件开发工具包 (0)

Toon Boom (0)

TopSolid (0)

TopSolid Wood (0)

TradeStation (0)

Travis CI (0)

TRON (0)

疑难排解 (8)

Truffle (0)

汤博乐 (0)

TvOS (1)

Twago (0)

Twilio (2)

Twitch (0)

推特 (152)

Twitter API (3)

Typescript (61)

TYPO3 (0)

Ubiquiti (1)

Ubuntu (38)

Udacity (0)

Umbraco (4)

UML 设计 (5)

Unbounce (0)

Underscore.js (0)

Unity (5)



Unity 3D (45)



UNIX (9)

Unreal Engine (14)

可用性测试 (15)

User Experience Research (0)

用户接口 / IA (232)



User Story Writing (3)

UX Research (1)

V-Play (0)

Vapor (0)

加速器缓存 (1)

VB.NET (14)

VBScript (0)

vBulletin (0)

Veeam (0)

Vercel (2)

Version Control Git (0)

VertexFX (0)

VideoHive (0)

Vim (0)

Virtual Machines (5)

虚拟现实 (4)

虚拟世界 (1)

商城 (1)

Virtuozzo (0)

Visual Basic (76)



Visual Basic的应用程式 (28)

Visual Foxpro (0)

Visual Studio (6)

可视化 (2)



VMware (5)

VoiceXML (0)

VoIP (21)

Volusion (0)

Vowpal Wabbit (0)

VPN (3)

VPS (7)

vTiger (0)

VtrunkD (0)

Vue.js (22)



Vue.js Framework (8)



Vuforia (0)

Vulkan (1)

Vymo (0)

WatchKit (0)

Web API (8)

Web Application (9)

Web Crawling (1)

Web Design (5)



Web Development (28)

网络主机 (77)



网页搜罗 (150)



网络安全 (54)



网络服务 (2)

Web3.js (14)


Webflow (5)

Weblogic (1)

webMethods (1)

Webpack (0)

WebRTC (1)

Website Analytics (1)

Website Build (15)

Website Development (21)



Website Localization (1)

网站管理 (23)



Website Optimization (2)

网站测试 (40)

Weebly (0)

White Hat SEO (3)


Windchill PLM (0)


WINDEV Mobile (0)

Windows 8 (0)

视窗应用程序接口 (0)

视窗桌面 (34)

视窗 Server (32)

Windows Service (1)

WinJS (0)

Wireguard (0)

Wix (10)

WMS (0)

WordPress (528)



WordPress Multilingual (0)

WordPress Plugin (16)

WPF (2)

Wrike (0)

Wufoo (0)

x86/x64 汇编 (1)

Xamarin (4)

XAML (0)

Xara (0)

Xcode (3)

Xcodebuild (1)

XenForo (0)


XML (10)

XMPP (0)

Xojo开发工具 (0)

Xoops (0)

XPages (0)

xpath (0)

XQuery (0)

XSLT (0)

XSS (Cross-site scripting) (0)

Yandex (0)

Yarn (1)

Yii (1)

Yii2 (0)

YouTube (49)



Zapier (7)

Zen Cart (0)

Zend (0)

Zendesk (1)

Znode (0)

Zoho (7)

Zoho Creator (1)

Zoho CRM (3)

Zoom (3)

移动电话 和 计算机 (1777)

Amazon Fire (1)

亚马逊 Kindle (3)

安卓 (540)



App Store Optimization (4)

App Usability Analysis (0)

Appcelerator Titanium (0)

苹果手表 (0)

黑莓 (0)

地理位置 (3)

iPad (84)

iPhone (394)



J2ME (0)

Kotlin (19)

地铁 (0)

移动应用开发 (710)



诺基亚 (0)

Palm (0)

Salesforce Lightning (1)

三星 (0)

塞班 (0)

Virtualization (2)

WebOS (0)

视窗 CE (0)

微软移动 (2)

视窗电话 (0)

写作 和 内容 (3613)

Abnormal Psychology (0)

Abstract (0)

Academic Medicine (1)

Academic Publishing (1)

Academic Research (1)

学术写作 (8)

Annuals (0)

苹果iBooks作者 (0)

文章重写 (88)

Article Writing (357)



Beta Reading (0)

Biography Writing (1)

博客 (46)

Blog Writing (4)

Blogging (7)

Book Review (0)

写书 (50)



Braille (0)

Business Plan Writing (2)

商业写作 (39)

地图学与地图 (6)

Case Study Writing (3)

宣传字句 (10)



Comedy Writing (2)

交流 (47)

Compliance and Safety Procedures Writer (1)

Content Audit (0)

Content Creation (32)



Content Development (1)



内容策略 (2)



内容写作 (416)



Copy Editing (1)

打字复印 (110)

文案写作 (288)



Cover Letter (0)

文学写作 (143)



Domain Research (3)

电子书 (45)



编辑 (146)



Editorial Writing (1)

Educational Research (1)

English Translation (2)

Environmental Science (0)

Essay Writing (3)

Fact Checking (0)

Fashion Writing (0)

小说 (31)

金融研究 (51)

论坛发贴 (3)

代笔 (230)



融资写作 (5)

Headlines (0)

Investigative Journalism (3)

Journalism (4)

LaTeX (2)

法律写作 (43)

LinkedIn Profile (6)

Manuscripts (1)

Medical Research (2)



医药写作 (16)



Memoir Writing (0)

简报 (1)

Non-Fiction Writing (1)

在线写作 (0)

PDF (71)



Pitch Deck Writing (5)

Podcast Writing (0)

诗词 (0)

Powerpoint (67)



新闻发布 (4)

产品描述 (50)



校对 (78)



Proposal Writing (10)

发布 (4)

报告写作 (110)



研究 (262)



学术写作 (248)



简历 (25)



评论 (11)

RFP Writing (0)

Romance Writing (0)

Scientific Writing (1)

编剧 (12)

Script Writing (5)

SEO Writing (16)

短篇小说 (2)

标语 (5)



Social Media Copy (3)

演讲写作 (1)

Survey Research (1)

Taglines (0)



Technical Documentation (0)

技术写作 (128)



Test Plan Writing (0)

Test Strategy Writing (1)

翻译 (134)



旅游写作 (2)

Web Page Writer (0)

White Paper (1)

维基 (5)

维基百科 (7)

Word 处理 (1)

Writing (3)

设计、媒体 和 建筑 (16184)

2D Animation (13)



2D Animation Explainer Video (5)

2D Drafting (3)

2D Drawing (2)



2D Game Art (5)

2D Layout (0)

360度视频 (0)

3D动画 (230)



3D Architecture (2)

3D CAD (3)

3D 设计 (96)



3D Drafting (0)

3D Layout (1)

3D Logo (3)

3D模型制作者 (0)

3D建模 (299)



3D 渲染 (255)



3D Rigging (2)

3D Scanning (0)

3D Studio Max (0)



3D Visualization (2)

3ds Max (74)



A&R (0)

A/V design (0)

A/V editing (0)

A/V Engineering (0)

A/V Systems (0)

Acting (11)

ActionScript (0)

Adobe Creative Suite (2)

Adobe Dreamweaver (0)

Adobe Fireworks (1)

Adobe Flash (16)



Adobe FrameMaker (0)

Adobe InDesign (41)



Adobe Lightroom (36)



Adobe LiveCycle Designer (0)

Adobe Photoshop (9)



Adobe Robohelp (0)

广告设计 (16)



Affinity Designer (0)

Affinity Photo (0)

影视特效 (307)



AI Graphic Design (1)



AI Rendering (0)



Album Design (0)

Album Production (0)

Alternative Rock (0)

Alto Flute (0)

Android UI Design (2)

Animated Video Development (0)

动画 (286)



Animoto (0)

App Design (2)

苹果 Compressor (0)

苹果Logic Pro (1)

苹果 Motion (0)

Architectural Rendering (3)

Architectural Visualization (1)



Architecture (4)



Art Consulting (1)

Artist & Repertoire Administration (0)

工艺美术 (15)

Audio Ads (2)

Audio Editing (7)

Audio Engineering (4)

Audio Mastering (3)

音频制作 (117)



音频服务 (146)



Audiobook (1)

Audiobook Narration (5)

AutoCAD Architecture (3)



Autodesk (0)

Autodesk Civil 3D (1)

Autodesk Fusion 360 (3)

Autodesk Inventor (2)

Autodesk Revit (17)

Autodesk Sketchbook Pro (0)

Avid (0)

产品设计类软件Axure (0)

横幅设计 (90)



Beautiful AI (0)

博客设计 (0)

书本艺术家 (3)



Book Cover Design (0)

Book Design (1)

引导程序 (17)

BricsCAD (0)

宣传册设计 (152)



建筑结构 (185)



Building Information Modeling (3)

Building Regulations (0)

名片设计 (29)



Calligraphy (0)

Canva (13)



Capture NX2 (0)

Card Design (0)

漫画 与 卡通 (143)



Catalog Design (0)

Cel Animation (0)

CGI (4)

Character Illustration (1)



Childrens Book Illustration (2)

4D影院  (0)

Clip Studio Paint (0)

CMS IntelliCAD (0)

Collage Making (0)

Color Grading (4)

Comics (2)

商务 (15)

概念艺术 (1)



概念设计 (22)



Corel Painter (1)

CorelDRAW (1)

企业形象 (182)



Costume Design (1)

封面 与 包装 (76)



创意设计 (11)



CSS (408)



Cutout Animation (0)

CV Design (2)

DaVinci Resolve (3)

设计 (0)



Digital Art (2)



Digital Cinema Packages (0)

Digital Painting (0)



Digital Product Design (5)

Doodle (0)

Draftsight (0)

Drawing Artist (7)



eBook Design (0)

网络教学设计师 (2)

Evernote (0)

Explainer Videos (1)



Fabric Printing Design (2)

Facade Design (0)

Fashion Consulting (7)

时尚设计 (58)



时尚模特 (12)



Film Production (2)

电影制片人 (5)

Final Cut Pro (5)

Final Cut Pro X (2)

尾声 / 贝斯 (0)

Fire Alarm Design (0)

FL Studio (0)

Flash 3D (2)

Flash Animation (0)

Flex (2)

Floor Plan (2)



流程图 (2)

FlowVella (0)

传单设计 (33)



Format and Layout (8)

Front-end Design (1)



家具设计 (2)

Game Art (1)

Game Trailer (0)

Game UI (0)

GarageBand (0)

Generative Design (0)

Genially (0)

GIF (0)

GIF Animation (1)

Google Slides (1)

GraffixPro Studio (0)

Graphic Art (0)



平面设计 (2125)



GstarCAD (0)

Haiku Deck (0)

Handy Sketch Pad (0)

图标设计 (34)



Illustration (306)



Illustrator (728)



Image Consultation (1)

Image Processing (6)

iMovie (0)



工业设计 (12)

信息图表 (20)



Infrastructure Architecture (3)

Inkscape (0)



Instructional Design (4)

Interaction Design (0)

室内设计 (136)



Intros & Outros (0)

Invision (0)

请柬设计 (2)

Isometric Animation (0)

JDF (0)

Jingles & Intros (0)

Keynote (1)

Kinetic Typography (0)

Kizoa (0)

Krita (0)

标签设计 (4)



登陆页面 (6)



Lettering (1)

Level Design (0)

Lighting Design (1)

Logo Animation (4)



Logo设计 (823)



Magazine Design (1)

Make Real (0)

Makerbot (0)

Manga (1)

Matte Painting (3)

Maya (33)



Mentimeter (0)

Menu Design (0)



Microservices (2)

MIDI (1)

Mood Board (0)

Motion Design (0)

动态图像 (22)



音乐 (70)



Music Management (2)

Music Production (3)

Music Transcription (0)

Music Video (3)

NanoCAD (0)

Neo4j (2)

NX CAD (1)

Oil Painting (7)

包装设计 (3)



Packaging Design (2)



Pattern Design (1)

模型制作 (3)

Performing Arts (1)

照片编辑 (145)



Photo Restoration (3)

Photo Retouching (3)

摄影 (104)



Photoshop (1014)



Photoshop 设计 (289)



Pixel Art (0)

Podcast Editing (3)

后期制作 (0)

海报设计 (42)



前期制作 (0)

Pre-production Animation (0)

演示文稿 (33)

Prezi (6)

打印 (4)

Print Design (4)



Procreate (0)

Product Cover (0)

Product Photography (7)

ProgeCAD (0)

Prototype Design (3)

PSD转化为HTML (6)


QuarkXPress (0)

Radio Announcement (0)

Research Drone Footages (0)

Resin (1)

Rhino 3D (8)

Rotoscoping (0)

RWD (0)

Seamless Printing (0)

Shopify 模板 (92)

标志设计 (0)

SketchUp (5)



Slidebean (0)

SmartDraw (0)

Social Media Post Design (3)



SolidEdge (0)

声效设计 (55)



Sound Effects (2)

Sound Engineering (5)

SoundCloud (0)

Sports Design (1)

文具礼品设计 (0)

贴纸设计 (0)

故事板 (3)

T恤 (75)



纹身设计 (1)

Technical Drawing / Tech Pack (0)



Tekla 结构 (1)

模板 (2)

Textile Design (2)

TikZ (0)

Tldraw (0)

Town Planning (0)

Traditional Animation (0)

Twitter Spaces (0)

排版 (2)



UI / User Interface (12)



Unigraphics NX (0)

Urban Design (2)

UX / User Experience (64)



V-Ray (0)

Vector Design (0)

Vector Tracing (0)

矢量化 (0)

Vectorworks (1)

车标 (0)

VFX Art (2)



Video Ads (6)

视频传播 (6)

视频编辑 (398)



Video Post-editing (4)

视频制作 (315)



视频服务 (359)



Video Streaming (7)

Video Tours (0)

摄像 (230)



VideoScribe (2)

Vimeo (0)

Virtual Staging (0)

Visme (0)

视觉艺术 (24)



Visual Design (0)

Visual Effects (0)



Voice Acting (8)

配音演员 (17)

Voice Over (9)

配音演员 (117)



Watercolor Painting (2)

Web Animation (0)

网站设计 (1565)



Whiteboard (0)

Whiteboard Animation (0)

线框图 (4)



Word (105)



WordPress Design (8)

雅虎! 商店设计 (0)

YouTube Video Editing (19)



Zoho Show (0)

数据录入 和 管理 (1763)

ABBYY FineReader (0)

Academic Administration (0)


Answering Telephones (1)

文章提交 (2)

记账 (37)

业务流程外包 (1)

客服中心 (14)

Chat Operation (2)

Contact Center Services (0)

客户服务 (30)

客户支持 (43)

Data Analytics (13)



Data Annotating (0)

Data Architecture (2)

Data Cleansing (2)

Data Delivery (0)

数据输入 (494)



Data Extraction (1)

数据处理 (297)



Data Scraping (4)



Database Design (4)

桌面支持 (5)

邮件处理 (24)

ePub (0)

Excel (440)



Excel Macros (14)

Excel VB Capabilities (0)

Excel VBA (12)

微软办公 (12)

Google Spreadsheets (2)

GPT Agent (0)

服务台 (1)

Infographic and Powerpoint Slide Designing (4)

投资研究 (1)

LibreOffice (0)

微软Office (33)

微软Outlook (5)

Microsoft Word (7)

订单处理 (0)

电话支持 (6)

PostgreSQL Administration (1)

采购 (5)

Qlik (0)

Qualitative Research (5)

qwerty (0)

Records Management (0)

Relational Databases (1)

SAP Master Data Governance (1)

Software Documentation (0)

Spreadsheets (2)

技术支持 (9)

Telegram Moderation (6)

电话处理 (27)

时间管理 (3)

抄写 (32)

Typeform (3)

Typing (9)

视频上传 (3)

网页搜索 (119)



人工智能 (126)

AdaBoost (0)

AI Art Creation (3)



AI Audio-to-audio (0)

AI Chatbot (1)

AI Chatbot Development (3)

AI Content Creation (1)



AI Content Editing (2)

AI Content Writing (0)

AI Design (2)



AI Image Editing (4)



AI Image-to-text (1)

AI Mobile App Development (1)

AI Model Development (2)

AI Model Integration (2)

AI Research (1)

AI Text-to-speech (0)

AI Text-to-text (0)

AI Text-to-video (1)

AI Translation (0)

AI Writing (0)

AI-Enhanced Classification (0)

AI-Generated Art (2)

AI-Generated Code (3)

AI-Generated Music (0)

AI-Generated Text (0)

AI-Generated Video (1)

AlexNet (0)

AlphaCode (0)

Artificial Neural Network (2)

Autoencoder (0)

Automatic Speech Recognition (1)

Azure OpenAI (2)


Batch Normalization (0)

Bing AI (0)


Bot Development (10)

Chatbot Integration (1)

ChatGPT AI Integration (5)

ChatGPT Prompt (1)

ChatGPT-3 (0)

ChatGPT-3.5 (0)

ChatGPT-4 (4)



Classification (0)

Cluster Computing (1)

Conversational AI (0)

Convolutional Neural Network (1)

Copy.AI (0)

Customer Service Chatbot (2)

CycleGAN (0)

DALL-E 2 (0)

DALL-E 3 (1)



Data Augmentation (0)

Deep Belief Network (0)

Deep Neural Network (3)

Diffusion models (0)

Dolly (0)

Facial Recognition (1)

Feedforward Neural Network (0)

Gated Recurrent Unit (0)

Generative Adversarial Network (0)

Generative Model (0)

GitHub CoPilot (1)

GPT-J (0)

GPT-Neo (0)

Hugging Face (2)

Image Analysis (2)

Image Recognition (2)

Image Upscaling (0)

Jasper AI (0)

Jurrasic-2 (0)

LaMDA (1)

LangChain (2)

Large Language Models (LLMs) (12)

Linear Discriminant Analysis (0)

LLaMA 2 (1)

LLM Prompt Engineering (2)

Long Short-Term Memory Network (0)

Machine Learning Algorithms (2)

Machine Translation (0)

Microsoft 365 CoPilot (0)

Microsoft CNTK (0)

MLflow (0)

MLOps (1)

Model Deployment (1)

Model Monitoring (0)

Model Testing & Optimization (0)

Model Tuning (0)

Multilayer Perceptron (0)

Multimodal (1)

Multimodal Large Language Model (0)

Naive Bayes Classifier (0)

Natural Language Generation (0)

Natural Language Understanding (0)

NLP Tokenization (4)

Object Detection (1)

Object Localization (0)

Ontology (0)

OpenAI Codex (0)

Pre-Training (0)

Radial Basis Function Network (0)

Recommendation System (1)

Recurrent Neural Network (0)

Regression Analysis (0)

Reinforcement Learning (2)

Restricted Boltzmann Machine (0)

Retell AI (0)

RLHF (0)

Self-Organizing Map (1)

Sentiment Analysis (1)

Speech Synthesis (0)

Streamlit (4)

StyleGAN (0)

Text Recognition (1)

Time Series Analysis (1)

Time Series Forecasting (1)

Transformer Model (2)

Variational Autoencoder (0)

Voice Synthesis (0)

Whisper AI (2)

Word2vec (0)

YOLO (2)

工程 和 科学 (2282)

802.11 (0)

A&P (0)

A1 Assessor (0)

AAUS Scientific Diver (0)

ABC Analysis (0)

AC Drives (0)

Accelerator Physics (0)

Acoustical Engineering (0)

航空工程 (2)

航天工程 (2)



农艺 (0)

AI (Artificial Intelligence) HW/SW (7)



AI Consulting (0)

Aircraft Performance (1)

Aircraft Propulsion (0)

Aircraft Structures (0)

Aircraft Systems (1)

Airfield Lighting (0)

Airframe (0)

Airspace Management (1)

Alarm Management (0)

Alarm Systems (0)

Alchemist (0)

算法 (60)



Analog (0)

Analog / Mixed Signal / Digital (1)

Anodizing (0)

Anomaly Detection (0)

Anritsu Certified (0)

Antenna Design (1)

Anthropology (0)

Apple Homekit (0)

Apple MFI (0)

Arduino (32)



ARM (0)

ASIC (0)

天体物理学 (0)

Audio Processing (4)

AutoCAD (187)



汽车 (2)



Automotive Engineering (0)

Aviation (1)

Bare Metal (0)

Battery Charging and Batteries (2)

BeagleBone Black (0)

BERT (2)

Bill of Materials (BOM) Analysis (1)

Bill of Materials (BOM) Evaluation (0)

Bill of Materials (BOM) Optimization (1)

生物学 (2)



Biomedical Engineering (4)



生物技术 (0)



Bluetooth (1)

Bluetooth Module (0)

Board Support Package (BSP) (0)

广播工程 (0)

Building Engineering (2)

CAD/CAM (137)



Calculus (1)

计算机图形辅助三维交互式应用 (1)

Cellular Design (0)

Cellular Modules (0)

Cellular Service (0)

Chatbot Prompt Writing (1)

化学工程 (5)



Circuit Board Layout (0)

电路设计 (40)

土木工程 (57)



清洁技术 (0)

气候科学 (0)

Cloud Service (0)

Combinatorial Optimization (0)

Combinatorial Problem Solving (4)

Compliance Engineering (0)

Component Engineering (0)

Computational Analysis (0)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (1)

Computational Linguistics (0)

Construction Engineering (4)

施工监测 (0)

Consumer Products (2)

Continuous Integration (1)

Control Engineering (2)

Control System Design (2)

Controller Area Network (CAN) (0)

密码学 (7)

Data Engineer (3)

数据挖掘 (107)

数据科学 (31)

DDR3 (PCIe, board design/fpga) (0)

Deep Learning (20)



DesignBuilder (0)

DevOps (17)

DFM (Design for Manufacturing) (2)

Digital ASIC Coding (0)

数字设计 (3)



Digital Electronics (0)

Digital Forensics (2)

Digital Networking (0)

DO-178 Certification (0)

DO-254 Certification (0)

Drilling Engineering (0)

Drones (3)


Edge Computing (0)

电气工程 (130)



Electronic Design (4)

电子 (123)



Embedded Systems (10)

Encryption (1)

能源 (1)

Energy Modelling (0)

工程 (128)



工程制图 (1)

Engineering Mathematics (1)

Environmental Engineering (1)

Estimation (3)

有限元分析 (11)

Flex Circuit Design (0)

FPGA (8)



FPGA Coding (1)

家谱学 (0)

Generative AI (7)

Genetic Algorithms (0)

遗传工程 (0)



地质学 (1)

地球空间信息 (6)

岩土工程 (1)



全球定位系统 (1)

Graphical User Interface (GUI) (7)

HALT/HASS Testing (0)

健康 (4)

Heat Load Calculation (0)

主页设计 (65)



人文科学 (0)

HVAC (2)

HyperLynx (0)

I2C (0)

Imaging (0)

IMX6 (0)

工业工程 (5)

乐器 (0)

Intercom (0)

Internet of Things (IoT) (9)

Intrinsic Safety Applications (0)

IP Cores (0)

ISM Radio Module (0)

ISO/IEC 17025 Calibration (0)

Isometry (0)

Large Language Model (1)

线性编程 (4)

LLaMA (0)

Local Interconnect Network (LIN) (0)

LoRa (2)

机器学习(ML) (112)

Machine Vision / Video Analytics (0)

制造设计 (27)



Manufacturing Engineering (0)

Marine Engineering (0)

材料工程 (2)

Materials Science (0)

数学 (38)




矩阵及数学软件 (37)



Mechanical Design (3)

机械工程 (90)



机电一体化 (4)

医药 (14)



Medical Engineering (0)

Medical Products (1)



MEMs (0)

微生物学 (2)

微控制器 (59)



微型工作站 (0)

Midjourney (1)



Midjourney Logo Prompt Writing (1)

矿业工程 (1)

Mixing Engineering (0)

Motor Control (1)

MPSoC Design (0)

纳米技术 (0)

自然语言 (1)

Natural Language Processing (3)

Near Field Communication (NFC) (1)

Neural Networks (1)

Optical Engineering (3)

PCB Design and Layout (6)

印制板布局 (37)

PCI Express (0)

石油工程 (1)

Photogrammetry (0)

物理 (6)

PLC 与 SCADA (12)

Power Amplifier RF (2)

Power Converters (1)

Power Generation (0)

Power Redesign (0)

Power Supply (0)

Precast Designer (0)

Process Engineering (5)

Product End of Life (EOL) (0)

产品管理 (5)

项目调度 (8)

Prompt Engineering (0)

Prompt Writing (0)

Qi (0)

Quality and Reliability Testing (0)

昆腾 (0)

Quantum Computing (0)


Radio Frequency (0)

Radio Frequency Engineering (0)

Rapid Prototyping (1)

Rasch Analysis (0)

遥测 (0)

再生能源设计 (0)

Renewables (0)

Rezence (0)

RFID (Radio-frequency identification) (0)

Robotic Process Automation (1)

机器人技术 (4)

Robotics and Cognitive Automation (1)

实时操作系统 (1)

RUST Programming (3)

Schematic Review (1)

Schematics (1)

Scientific Computing (0)

科学研究 (10)



Security (3)

Semiconductor (0)

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (0)

Siemens NX (0)

Signal Processing (0)

Sigrity (0)

Simulation (6)



Site Reliability Engineering (0)

SMART City (0)

Smart Lighting (0)

Smart Phone/Tablet Apps (1)

SoC Design (0)

太阳能 (1)

Solidworks (57)



统计分析 (78)

Statistical Modeling (1)

统计学 (101)

STM32 (10)

结构工程 (38)



Superconductors (0)

Surfboard设计 (0)

Systems Engineering (1)

Technology (1)

Telecom (3)

通讯工程 (5)

Telecoms Engineering (1)

纺织工程 (0)

Thermal & Environmental Testing (0)

Thermal Analysis (0)

Vector Calculus (0)

Verilog / VHDL (16)



Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) (0)

Video Hardware (1)

Video Processing (5)

Virtual Assistant Solutions (Alexa, Google, Siri, Home Kit, Cortana) (0)

Voice Assistance Devices (2)

Waterproof Design (IP68) (1)

WiFi (4)

无线 (17)

Wireless Certification (CSA, FCC, IEC, FAA, IEEE, CE, Atex) (0)

Wireless Charging (0)

Wireless Radio Frequency Engineering (0)

Wireless Sensors (4)

Wireless Sensors and Gateways (0)

钨 (0)

Yocto (1)

Zemax (0)

Zigbee (0)

Zwave (0)

产品采购 和 生产 (171)

3D打印 (7)



Alerting (0)

AliExpress (0)

Amazon (6)

Analog Electronics (2)

Andon (0)

买方采购 (1)

CNC Accessories (0)

CNC Machine Retrofitting (0)

CNC Programming (2)

Computer Aided Manufacturing (1)

Computer Numerical Control (0)

Computerized Embroidery (1)

Coordinate-Measuring Machine (0)

Freedom to Operate Search (0)

生产 (8)

Patent Design Search (0)

Patent Infringement Research (0)

Patent Invalidity Search (0)

Patent Landscape (0)

Patent Validity Search (0)

Process Automation (4)

Process Validation (0)

产品设计 (102)



Product Research (3)



产品采购 (11)

供应商采购 (9)

Supply Chain (5)

销售及市场推广 (3598)

ABR Accredited Buyer Representative (0)

ABR Designation (0)

广告计划 与 购买 (0)

广告 (156)



合作营销 (8)

Agency Relationship Management (0)

空中食宿 (1)

Aircraft Sales (0)

Amazon Ads (1)

Analytics Sales (0)

ATS Sales (0)

B2B Marketing (5)

Basecamp (0)

Bing Ads (0)

Book Marketing (1)

Brand Management (2)

Brand Marketing (4)



品牌推广 (15)



批发市场 (28)



Channel Account Management (0)

Channel Sales (0)

分类发布 (4)

ClickBank (0)

ClickFunnels (3)

Cloud Sales (0)

Competitor Analysis (0)

内容营销 (8)

Conversion Rate Optimization (5)

客户关系管理 (50)

Crowdfunding (2)

Customer Retention Marketing (1)

Datacenter Sales (0)

Digital Agency Sales (6)

Digital Strategy (2)

Direct Mail (0)

Drip (0)

eBay (13)

Email Campaign (5)

电子邮箱营销 (48)

Emerging Accounts (0)

Enterprise Sales (0)

Enterprise Sales Management (0)

Etsy (4)

Eventbrite (0)

Facebook Ads (13)

Facebook营销 (409)



Facebook Shops (0)

Facebook Verification (2)

Field Sales (0)

Field Sales Management (0)

Financial Sales (1)

Google Ads (22)

谷歌 Adsense (8)

谷歌Adwords (104)



Google Shopping (3)

Healthcare Sales (1)

HootSuite (0)

HR Sales (0)

Hubspot Marketing (3)

IDM Sales (0)

Inbound Marketing (0)

Indiegogo (0)

Influencer Marketing (7)

Inside Sales (0)

Instagram Ads (8)

Instagram Marketing (29)

Instagram Verification (1)

Interactive Advertising (0)

网络营销 (709)



网络研究 (30)



ISV Sales (0)

Kartra (0)

Keap (1)

Keyword Research (3)



Kickstarter (1)

Klaviyo (1)

Lead Generation (32)

销售线索 (105)

Life Science Sales (0)

Mailchimp (10)

Mailwizz (1)

Market Analysis (1)

市场调研 (83)



市场 (477)



Marketing Strategy (5)

Marketo (0)

Media Relations (4)

Media Sales (1)

Medical Devices Sales (0)

传销 (0)

Mobile Sales (0)

Multi Level Marketing (1)

Network Sales (2)

OEM Account Management (0)

OEM Sales (0)

Pardot Marketing (0)

Payroll Sales (0)

Periscope (0)

Podcast Marketing (0)

Podcasting (0)

PPC Marketing (1)

Product Marketing (4)



Recruiting Sales (4)

Reseller (1)

Retail Sales (2)

SaaS Sales (6)

销售 (226)



Sales Account Management (2)

Sales Management (5)

Sales Promotion (12)

搜索引擎销售 (127)



Security Sales (0)

SEMrush (7)

SendGrid (1)

SEOMoz (1)

社交媒体营销 (455)



Social Sales (0)

Social Video Marketing (2)



Software Sales (2)

Soundcloud Promotion (0)

Spotify Ads (0)

Sprout (0)

Technology Sales (4)

Telecom Sales (2)

电话销售 (103)

TikTok (30)



Tiktok Ads (18)



Twitter Marketing (2)

Unboxing Videos (1)

病毒式营销 (4)



视觉营销 (0)

WooCommerce (40)



YouTube Ads (5)

货运,海运&运输 (50)

Bicycle Courier (0)

Boat (0)

Boat with Trailer (0)

Bulk Products (1)

Car (2)



Car Courier (0)

Car Driving (1)

Caravan or Camper Trailer (0)

Cargo Freight (2)

Container Transport (0)

Container Truck (0)

Containerization (1)

Courier (0)

Dangerous Goods (2)

DOP Management (0)

Dropshipping (9)

Dry Van Trucking (0)

Flatbed Trucking (0)

Flower Delivery (0)

Freight (0)

Furniture Removal (0)

General Full Load (0)

General Part Load (1)

Grain Tipper (0)

Haulier (0)

Hay (0)

Heavy Haulage (0)

Heavy Haulage Trucking (0)

Hiab Crane Trucking (0)

Hotshot (0)

Import/Export (1)

International Shipping (3)

Last Mile Optimization (0)

Line Haulage (0)

Livestock (2)

Logistics (1)

Machinery (Mobile) (0)

Machinery (Stationary) (0)

Machinery 50T and over (0)

Motorbike (1)

Motorcycle Courier (0)

移动 (0)

包装及运输 (5)

Pallets (Full Load) (0)

Pallets (Less Than a Load) (0)

Pilot (0)

Pilot Work (0)

Pipe (0)

Portable Building (0)

Rail Freight (0)

Reefer Trucking (0)

Refrigerated Load (0)

Removal Services (1)

Shipping (1)

Shipping Containers (0)

Small Parcel (0)

Trailers to be carried (0)

Trailers to be towed (0)

Truck Courier (0)

Trucking (0)

Trucks or Prime Movers (0)

Van Courier (0)

电信 (23)

Access Point Identification (0)

Active Site Survey (5)

Aerial Technical Site Survey (1)

Base Station Equipment Management (0)

Blueprint Calibration (0)

Discord (1)

Floorplan Blueprinting (2)



HetNet Access Point Installation (0)

Hidden Wireless Network Detection (0)

Live Survey (1)

Passive Site Survey (0)

Physical Site Survey (10)

PnP BTS configuration (0)

Pre-inspection visits (1)

Predictive Site Survey (0)

Radio Access Network Commissioning (0)

RAN Call Testing (0)

RAN NMS Integration (0)

Remote Quality Audit (0)

RF Manual Site Survey (0)

RF Site Survey (0)

Rogue Access Point Detection (0)

Signal Propagation Assessment (0)

Small Cell Deployment (0)

TeamViewer (0)

Technical Site Audit (1)

Technical Site Survey (0)

Walking Path Analysis (0)

Wireless Access Point Installation (0)

Wireless Capacity Analysis (0)

Wireless Coverage Assessment (0)

Wireless Network Risk Analysis & Reduction (0)

Wireless Network Security Analysis (0)

Wireless Security Audit (0)

Wireless Site Survey (0)

教育 (36)

Academic Achievement (0)

Academic Advising (0)

Accounting Tutoring (0)

Algebra Tutoring (1)

Calculus Tutoring (0)

Chemistry Tutoring (1)

Chinese Tutoring (0)

Coding Lesson (1)

College Tutoring (1)

Computer Science Tutoring (0)

Education Consulting (2)

English Teaching (5)



English Tutoring (5)

French Tutoring (3)

Geometry (2)

German Tutoring (1)

GMAT Tutoring (0)

GRE Tutoring (0)

Guitar Lesson (1)

Japanese Teaching (1)

Japanese Tutoring (0)

Java Tutoring (0)

Korean Tutoring (1)

Language Tutoring (2)

Latin Tutoring (0)

LSAT Tutoring (0)

Math Tutoring (1)

MCAT Tutoring (0)

Music Lesson (1)

Physics Tutoring (0)

Programming Help (1)

Reading Tutoring (0)

SAT Tutoring (0)

Science Tutoring (0)

Spanish Tutoring (3)

Statistics Tutoring (0)

Video Game Coaching (2)

Writing Tutoring (0)

商业、会计、人力资源 和 法律 (1430)

A/R analysis (0)

A/R Collections (0)

A/R Management (0)

Account Management (4)

Account Payables Management (0)

Account Receivables Management (0)

会计 (111)

Actimize (0)

Administrative Support (12)



Airline (0)

Alternative Investments (0)

Alumni Relations (0)

Annual Report Design (0)

Anti Money Laundering (0)

Antitrust Economics (0)

Appointment Setting (17)

Asset Management (0)

律师 (0)

审计 (11)

Autotask公司 (0)

Bank Reconciliation (0)

Billing (0)

脑力激荡 (1)

Budgeting and Forecasting (3)

商业分析 (156)

Business Analytics (1)

商务教练 (6)

Business Consulting (2)

Business Development (12)

Business Management (7)

商业计划 (60)

Business Requirement Documentation (0)

Business Strategy (2)

Business Valuation (2)

Capital Markets (1)

Care Management (2)

Career Consulting (0)

Certified Public Accountant (1)

Change Management (2)

Chartered Secretary Services (0)

圣诞节 (0)

Closer (3)

Compensation and Benefits (1)

Compensation Consulting (0)

合规 (4)

Compliance and Safety Training (1)

Conflict Resolution (3)

Construction Management (2)

Consulting (0)

Contract Management (0)

合同 (50)

Core Consulting Skills (0)

Core Systems Transformation (0)

Corporate Income Tax (1)

Corporate Law (4)

Corporate Social Responsibility (1)

Corporate Transactions (0)

Credit Analysis (2)

Credit Repair (0)

Criminal Law (0)

水晶报表软件 (1)

CTO (0)

Custom Duties Tax (2)

Customer Experience (6)

Customer Retention (1)

Customer Strategy (2)

Customs and Global Trade Services (3)

Data Analysis (6)



Data Protection (1)

Database Management (5)

Development Assessment (0)

Development Consulting (0)

Document Checking (1)

EBS Finance (0)

EBS Procurement (0)

Ecological Consulting (0)

Econometrics (1)

Economics (3)

ECPay (0)

教育与辅导 (22)



Employee Engagement (0)

Employee Experience (3)

Employee Training (1)

雇用法 (27)

Employment Tax (0)

Energy and Resource Tax (0)

Enterprise Coordination (1)

企业家 (0)

Environmental Consulting (0)

Equity Research (0)

Equity Transaction Advice (0)

企业资源规划 (31)

Event Management (2)

活动策划 (6)

Executive Coaching (0)

Executive Compensation (0)

Executive Reward (0)

Expatriate Tax (1)

External Auditing (4)

Family Law (2)

财务 (110)

Finance Transformation (0)

Financial Accounting (3)

财务分析 (49)

Financial Consulting (1)

Financial Crime (0)

Financial Forecasting (2)

金融市场 (7)

Financial Modeling (3)

Financial Services Tax (0)

Fircosoft (0)


Forensic Consulting (0)

Fraud Detection (1)

筹款 (1)

Game Testing (1)

General Tax Advisory (1)

Global Mobility (0)

Global Tax Compliance (0)

Health Care Management (2)

Health Planning (0)

Health Plans Digitization (1)

Hedge Fund Management (0)

历史 (3)

人力资源 (16)

IBM Db2 (1)

Immigration (1)

Immigration Law (5)

Indirect Tax (0)

保险 (3)

Intellectual Property Law (0)

Interviewing (5)

Intuit快账 (29)

库存管理 (3)

Investment Banking (1)

Investment Management (1)

Invoicing (0)

ISO9001 (0)

珠宝 (4)

Leadership Development (5)

法律 (71)

Legal Analysis (0)



Legal Assistance (1)

Legal Consultation (2)

法学研究 (58)



Legal Review (0)

Legal Translation (0)

生活教练 (3)

Life Science Tax Services (0)

LinkedIn Recruiting (12)

Linnworks订单管理 (0)

Litigation (0)

Logistics Company (1)

M&A Tax (0)

管理 (23)

Management Consulting (1)

Manufacturing Strategy (1)

Market Sizing (0)

Media and Entertainment Tax (0)

Medical Billing and Coding (0)

Medical Translation (2)

Mergers and Acquisitions (0)

MYOB (9)

nCino (0)

Nintex表格 (0)

Nintex工作流程 (0)

营养 (1)

Operations Management (4)

Operations Research (2)

Organization Design (0)

组织变革管理 (3)

OTRS (0)

Paralegal Services (5)

专利 (6)

PAYE Tax (0)

Payment Consulting (0)

Payment Processing (4)

Payroll (11)

Payroll HR S&E (1)

PeopleSoft (0)

Performance Management (1)

个人发展 (4)

Personal Income Tax (1)

Personal Tax (1)

PitchBook (1)

Planning Consulting (2)

Political science (0)

Portfolio Management (0)

Private Client (3)

Private Equity (0)

Product Consulting (1)

Product Development (7)

Programmatic Advertising (0)

项目管理 (53)



Project Management Office (2)

Project Planning (5)

房地产开发 (1)

Property Insurance (0)

所有权法 (2)

房地产管理 (1)

Property Tax (0)

公共关系 (6)

Public Sector and Taxation (1)

Public Speaking (5)

房地产 (7)

Real Estate Management (1)

Real Estate Tax (0)

招募 (23)

Report Development (0)

Research and Development (2)



Reward (0)

Risk Assessment (0)

风险管理 (2)

Safety Consulting (1)

Salesforce CPQ (0)

Salesforce.com (28)

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) (0)

SAS (0)

Secretarial (3)

Share Schemes (0)

Shared Services (1)

Six Sigma (0)

Social Impact (1)

Social Security Tax (0)

Sourcing (8)

体育 (4)

Startup Consulting (0)

创业公司 (0)

Strategic Planning (3)

Talent Acquisition (5)

税 (29)

税务会计 (4)

Tax Centre of Excellence (1)

Tax Compliance (1)

Tax Compliance and Outsourcing (0)

税务法 (15)

Tax Management Consulting (0)

Tax Preparation (0)

Tax Reporting (0)

Tax Risk Management (1)

Tax Technology (0)

Technical Recruiter (8)

Technology Law (1)

Total Reward (0)

Trademark (0)

Trademark Registration (0)

Trading (40)

训练 (4)

Training Development (1)

Transaction Tax (2)

Transfer Pricing (0)

TS/ISO 16949 Audit (0)

Underwriting (0)

Unit4商业世界 (0)

Urban Planning (1)

US Taxation (0)

估价 与 鉴定 (0)

Value Added Tax (1)

Value Based Healthcare (0)

Video Conferencing (2)

签证 / 移民 (3)

Wave Accounting (0)

Wealth Management (0)

婚礼 (4)

Workday Compensation (0)

Workday Core HR (1)

Workday Financials (0)

Workday Payroll (0)

Workday Security (0)

Workday Talent & Recruiting (1)

Workday Time & Absence (0)

Workflow Consulting (3)

Xero (16)

翻译 和 语言 (517)

Afar (0)

南非荷兰语翻译人员 (1)

Albanian Translator (0)

American Sign Language Translator (0)

Amharic (0)

阿拉伯语翻译人员 (25)



Armenian Translator (0)

Assamese (0)

巴斯克语翻译人员 (0)

孟加拉语翻译人员 (0)

Bosnian Translator (0)

Breton Translator (0)

保加利亚语翻译人员 (1)

Burmese Translator (0)

Canadian French Translator (2)

Castilian Spanish Translator (17)

加泰罗尼亚语翻译人员 (0)

克罗地亚语翻译人员 (0)

捷克语翻译人员 (2)

丹麦语翻译人员 (5)

达利语翻译人员 (0)

Dinka Translator (0)

荷兰语翻译人员 (2)

English (UK) Translator (65)

English (US) Translator (120)

英语语法 (39)



英语拼写 (24)



爱沙尼亚语翻译人员 (0)

菲律宾语翻译人员 (0)

芬兰语翻译人员 (2)

法语翻译人员 (19)

Game Translation (0)

Georgian Translator (0)

德语翻译人员 (21)

希腊语翻译人员 (2)

Gujrati Translator (1)

希伯来语翻译人员 (2)

印地文翻译人员 (12)

匈牙利语翻译人员 (2)

Icelandic Translator (0)

印尼语翻译人员 (7)

翻译员 (2)

Irish Translator (0)

意大利语翻译人员 (6)

日语翻译人员 (6)

Kannada Translator (2)

Karelian Translator (0)

Kazakh Translator (0)

韩语翻译人员 (3)

Kurdish Translator (1)

Latin Translator (0)

Latvian Translator (0)

Linguistics (1)



立陶宛语翻译人员 (0)

Macedonian Translator (0)

马来语翻译人员 (0)

马拉雅拉姆语翻译人员 (0)

马耳他语翻译人员 (0)

Marathi Translator (2)

Montenegrin Translator (0)

Nepali Translator (2)

挪威语翻译人员 (5)

Oromo (0)

Pashto Translator (0)

诗人 (0)

波兰语翻译人员 (2)

Portuguese (Brazil) Translator (7)

葡萄牙语翻译人员 (4)

旁遮普语翻译人员 (0)

罗马尼亚语翻译人员 (5)

俄语翻译人员 (11)

Sami Translator (0)

塞尔维亚语翻译人员 (0)

Serbo-Croatian Translator (0)

中文简体翻译人员 (7)

Sinhalese Translator (0)

斯洛伐克语翻译人员 (3)

斯洛文尼亚语翻译人员 (1)

Somali (1)

西班牙语翻译人员 (33)



Subtitles & Captions (3)

Swahili Translator (1)

瑞典语翻译人员 (2)

Tajik Translator (0)

泰米尔语翻译人员 (2)

Technical Translation (0)

泰卢固语翻译人员 (1)

泰语翻译人员 (5)

Tigrinya (0)

繁体中文(香港) (10)

繁体中文(台湾) (6)

土耳其语翻译人员 (2)

乌克兰语翻译员 (3)

乌尔都语翻译人员 (2)

越南语翻译人员 (0)

威尔士语翻译人员 (0)

意第绪语翻译 (0)

Yoruba Translator (0)

贸易和服务 (198)

A&E (0)

Abatement (0)

ABO Certified (0)

空调 (0)

Alzheimers Care (0)

Antenna Measurements (0)

天线服务 (0)

Antique Restoration (0)

Antiques (0)

电器安装 (0)

家电维修 (1)

Art Installation (1)

清除石棉 (0)

Asphalt Contractor (1)

Attic Access Ladders Making (0)

遮篷布 (0)

Baking (1)

栏杆 (0)

竹地板 (0)

Bartending (0)

浴室 (0)

Biometrics (0)

Bracket Installation (0)

砌砖 (2)

建筑 (1)

Building Certification (1)

Building Consulting (0)

Building Design (1)

Building Surveying (3)

Car Washing (0)

木工 (1)

Carpet Cleaning (0)

地毯修复和布置 (0)

车库 (0)

洗车 (0)

Casting (1)

Catering Services (0)

CCTV (1)

CCTV Repair (1)

Ceiling Installation (0)

水泥粘结剂 (0)

Child Counselling (2)

Clothesline Installation (1)

Column Installation (0)

商业清洁 (2)

Computer Repair (0)

Computer Support (11)

混凝土浇筑 (2)

Construction (4)

烹饪 与 食谱 (7)

烹饪/烘焙 (4)

Counselling and Psychotherapy (3)

路线 (7)

防潮 (0)

装饰 (0)

装潢 (0)

拆毁 (2)

出售 (0)

Domestic Cleaning (0)

拟稿 (15)

Drone Photography (2)

Electric Repair (2)

Electronics repair (0)

Embroidery (1)

Epic Systems (1)

Equipment Rental (0)

活动人员安排 (1)

挖掘 (0)

扩展和补充 (9)



围墙 (0)

风水 (0)

Field Technical Support (1)

财务计划 (5)

Fire Fighting (0)

Flashmob (0)

地坪涂料 (1)

地板 (0)

Flyscreen Installation (0)

框架及桁架 (0)

家具组装 (2)

园艺 (2)

煤气装置 (0)

一般劳动力 (11)

玻璃和镜子装配 (1)

Gutter Installation (0)

发型 (1)

勤杂工 (2)

Haute Cuisine (0)

供热系统 (0)

家庭自动化 (4)

家庭布置 (0)

Horticulture (0)

Hot Water Installation (0)

家庭打扫 (2)

家务 (1)

宜家装配 (0)

安装 (1)

室内 (0)

厨房 (0)

园林设计 (7)



景观美化 (2)

洗衣和熨烫 (2)

修剪草坪 (0)

Lifestyle Coach (4)

照明设备 (1)

锁匠 (0)

Lost-wax Casting (1)

Machinery Equipment Hire (0)

化妆 (1)

Marriage Counselling (0)

Masonry (0)

Material Coating (0)

木制品 (0)

Mobile Repair (0)

Mobile Welding (1)

按揭经济 (0)

壁画 (7)

Notary Public (1)

绘画 (11)



硬路面 (0)

病虫防治 (0)

宠物寄养 (1)

Physical Fitness Training (1)

管材 (0)

管道 (2)

Printer Repair (1)

心理学 (6)

屋顶 (1)

Sculpture (1)

雕刻 (1)

Security Camera (1)

Security Systems (1)

缝纫 (2)

Solar Panel Installation (1)

Teaching/Lecturing (9)

瓷砖 (0)

Upholstery Cleaning (0)

Visa Ready Resources (0)

Water Treatment (0)

Welding (1)

研讨会 (0)

庭院劳动 (0)

Yoga (2)

健康和药品 (10)

Counseling Psychology (2)

Diet (0)

Epidemiology (0)

Fitness (1)

Food Safety (4)

Hypnotherapy (0)

Managed Care (0)

Medical Scribe (0)

Psychometric Testing (3)

Public Health (0)

任何人可选工作 (246)


Coffee Delivery (0)

交付 (2)

Esports (0)

Food Delivery (2)

自由职业 (7)

Healthcare Education (0)

视察 (3)

Investigation (2)

Joint Commission International (0)

本地工作 (61)

Motivational Speaking (3)

Odd Jobs (12)



Parcel Delivery (2)

Photo Anywhere (1)

收集 (0)

Policymaking (0)

Psychological Assessment (0)

QOPI (0)

Quanum (0)

购物 (7)

Surveillance (0)

Travel Ready (16)

虚拟助手 (127)

中文(简体) - P.R. China













Photo Anywhere


























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人力外包交易平台Upwork 与 Freelancer对比 - 知乎

人力外包交易平台Upwork 与 Freelancer对比 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册人力外包交易平台Upwork 与 Freelancer对比赛先生说起跨境自由职业,目前全球知名的人力资源外包平台有Upwork和http://Freelancer.com。许多希望尝试跨境自由职业的朋友也许会对到底选择哪个平台来开展自己的业务很纠结,最近我花了一些精力对两个平台进行了一些对比,并给出了我的看法和结论,供有兴趣的朋友参考。Upwork简史2013年, 成立于1999年的老牌在线人力资源外包平台Elance与成立于2003年的oDesk强强联合,合并成为Elance-oDesk,2015年新公司关闭了原有的Elance与oDesk,启用新的Upwork品牌与平台。成为全球领先的人力资源外包平台。http://Freelance.com简史http://Freelancer.com是一家成立于2004年的澳大利亚公司。在其发展过程中一直紧跟Elance与oDesk步伐,期间也收购了一些中小型的人力外包平台。目前是全球规模最大的人力资源外包平台。Upwork与http://Freelancer.com对比本次对比我主要从自由职业者的角度,通过以下几个方面来进行对比。- 注册机制目前,在Upwork上面有大概700万注册的客户,1200万注册的自由职业者,超过100,000项发布的工作。http://Freelancer.com平台上3000万注册的自由职业者,而仅有45,000项工作。因此http://Freelancer.com平台号称是世界上最大的自由职业在线平台,说的没错。任何人都可以在http://Freelancer.com上面注册账户,而在Upwork,注册需要被批准。例如 某一类技能的自由职业者注册人数相对此类工作的数量已经饱和,那么Upwork会限制更多此类技能的新账户注册,新注册的账户也不会被批准通过。帐户开通失败同时如果某些账户长时间不活跃或者无法接到任何工作,也有被封号的可能性。- 费用UpworkUpwork对于自由职业者账户本身有两个等级,从每个客户那里挣到的前500美元收取20%的手续费,超过500美元到10000美元收取10%的手续费,10000美元以上收取5%。这个收费结构鼓励从业者与客户保持长期关系,从而显著降低平台手续费成本。同时相对于普通的免费账户,Upwork还提供10美元/月的付费账户,获得额外的工作申请点数,查看某个工作所有申请者的报价等特权。http://Freelancer.comhttp://Freelancer.com的收费情况如下:固定报价的工作以及竞赛获胜者会被收取收入的10%或5美元中较高者;计时工作收取10%的手续费(小于50美元的工作多半以此方式结算);服务形式的工作会收取20%的手续费。同时,如果6个月以上没有登陆账户,账户会被设为不活跃状态并会被收取10美元/月的账户维护费(重新激活后可以退还)- 可申请的工作特征基本来说,Upwork上面的工作会质量略高,客户会慷慨一些,这个也跟竞争相对不那么激烈有关系。http://Freelancer.com上面的工作,特别是软件开发类别的工作,碰上有印巴人民的低价竞争,性价比会不那么高,当然据说工作数量确实会比upwork上面多一些。- 客户特征两个平台上都有很优质,出价公道的客户,同时也会有一些客户会发布虚假工作,或者利用平台的流程漏洞骗取自由职业者的劳动成果,或者在合同进行的各个过程中想方设法压价加量等。大家在与客户交流的过程中要按照礼貌热情,不卑不亢,有理有据的原则,既让客户感受到你的热情与服务意识,又要让他们知道你的便宜是不好占的。根据网上的反馈和一些网友的描述,在http://Freelancer.com上面发生诈骗,压价等情况的客户会比Upwork多。当然这个结论没有经过严谨的论证。下面是一些避雷的小提示:- 尽量选择已经通过了支付验证(Payment Verified)的客户发布的工作。- 客户的评分也很重要,如果客户的评分不高,或者有多条负面评价,投标前请三思。- 综合上面两条,对于新注册的客户发布的工作,除非你特别有兴趣,投标前也请衡量利弊。- 对于工作的描述,如果你细心的话,会发现有的客户是故意把需求写得含混不清为后面压价或者加量挖坑;工作描述的质量也能从侧面证明客户对自己发布的工作的重视程度。综上比较upwork 的平台收费很高,除非你能找到长期客户才能降低平台成本。Freelancer. com平台费用相比之下要低一些。Upwork平台上的工作相对而言更严谨,价格更高一点,当然对自由职业者的要求也更高,毕竟客户付出的钱更多;Freelancer. com上面的工作更多,同时竞争也更激烈,工作酬劳相对低一些但平台成本也更低。所以如果你想长期从事跨境自由职业,想要找到长期合作的优质客户,你可以选择Upwork。如果你想要快速找到工作,选择更多客户,或者倾向于短平快的一次性工作,你可以考虑选择freelancer. com。参考资料:https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/upwork-vs-freelancer-com/https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-differences-between-Upwork-Freelancer-com-and-Fiverrhttps://www.freelancer.com/community/articles/upwork-vs-freelancerhttps://www.virtualassistantassistant.com/upwork-vs-fiverrhttps://biz30.timedoctor.com/upwork-vs-fiverr/编辑于 2019-08-31 14:16跨境自由职业平台freelancer.comUpwork​赞同 46​​4 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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份搜到的工作,货币单位为 USD









5 天 left


- 能熟练应用Java Python等编程语言进行网络爬虫开发。

- 对得物APP结构有深入理解,能有效抓取所需价格数据。

- 需获取APP上所有商品的价格信息。








(Avg Bid)



11 个竞标



5 天 left



- 必须有使用API接口获取数据的相关经验。

- 了解和熟悉数据爬取的各种技巧和策略。

- 具备丰富的Excel操作经验,能够将获取的数据有效地转化为Excel格式。

- 高度的责任心和对细节的专注,能确保所有爬取的信息准确无误。


C# 编程




Visual Basic


(Avg Bid)



11 个竞标



5 天 left



- 至少有3年的相关工作经验

- 熟练使用Vue或能够提供纯静态页面的交付

- 提供源代码

- 确保网页在常用浏览器和手机端上都能顺畅访问

- 确保页面流畅不卡顿

- 预计项目将于本周四(3月7日)开始,预计在下周一(3月11日)交付


- 原型图

- 设计图

- 对接团队支援





(Avg Bid)



11 个竞标



4 天 left



- 您必须是一位正在生活在深圳的欧美人

- 您必须使用过充电宝

- 您需要能在指定的日期内参加线下的问答活动

- 获得学士及以上学位/本科在读


- 充电宝的主要用途(例如,手机充电、旅行使用、应急情况下使用等)

- 您对充电宝的要求(例如,容量、充电速度、便携性等)




$25 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$25 / hr


1 个竞标


TradeIndia.com inquiry Auto-Reply Tool/Software Development

4 天 left


I am looking for a professional developer to design an auto-reply tool for new buy leads and inquiry on at every day. Your role is to build a system that sends both an automated message and email reply to potential clients. Take this tool/sofware just like the robit.

My requirement below :

1. Auto reply my every inqury from buyer with my own information/message.

2. Find our item buying lead everyday and reply to all relative buying lead automatically by using my own information.

3. Send the same reply message to buying lead customer email address as well.






(Avg Bid)



3 个竞标


Security Expert Needed for Code Review of Visual Studio Files

6 天 left


Seeking an experienced cybersecurity expert to conduct a security review of Visual Studio code files. The goal is to identify and mitigate any potential security threats, including viruses, backdoors, or other vulnerabilities.


Expertise in cybersecurity and Visual Studio.

Ability to detect security vulnerabilities in code.

Knowledge of software development best practices.

The focus is to ensure there is no potential for unauthorized data transfers between computers and to verify the absence of malware or any malicious elements within these files.

C 编程





$7 - $18

$7 - $18

0 个竞标


Telugu Content Redesign in Page Maker

6 天 left

I'm looking for a professional who can retype my Telugu content from MS Word to Page Maker. The aim is to redesign it for a simple layout.


- Proficient in Telugu typing

- Expertise using Page Maker

- Simple layout designing skills

- Attention to detail to avoid errors when retyping

The content I'll provide is in MS Word format and I require your services to convert and retype it in Page Maker. Your design approach should be simple and user-friendly. This project doesn't require any content creation as the text will be provided, your task will mainly revolve around retyping and redesigning. A keen eye for detail will be crucial to maintain the integrity of the original text.

Book Design



(Avg Bid)



2 个竞标


Styrk Visibilitet med SEO

6 天 left


Mit projekt har primært til formål at øge salg og konverteringer på mit website. Derfor leder jeg efter en SEO-ekspert der kan hjælpe mig med at rangere højt på søgemaskinerne ved brug af branche-specifikke udtryk.

For at kunne levere det bedste resultat for dette projekt, har jeg en række specifikke krav:

* Erfaring med SEO og digital markedsføring, især inden for salg og konvertering

* Evne til at identificere og anvende branche-specifikke udtryk

* Forståelse for moderne SEO-praksis

Målgruppen for mit website er først og fremmest forbrugere, så erfaring med at arbejde hen imod denne gruppe vil være en stor fordel. Med din hjælp, håber jeg på at booste min synlighed on...

Article Writing


Link Building



$750 - $1500

$750 - $1500

0 个竞标


Law Firm SEO Enhancement

6 天 left

As a law firm specializing in criminal defense, extradition, and European Court of Human Rights cases, I'm looking for an experienced SEO specialist to enhance our online presence. The goal of this project is threefold:

1. Increase website traffic

2. Improve our ranking on search engines

3. Generate a more substantial lead pool

The targeted audience for our services includes individuals facing criminal charges, those requiring assistance for extradition, and those in need of representation at the European Court of Human Rights.

Ideal candidates for this project should have:

• A solid understanding and proven experience in SEO, especially in the legal field.

• Familiarity with law terminology and the ability to use it accurately and effectively while optimizing for SEO.



Link Building





(Avg Bid)



50 个竞标


High-Resolution CMOS Sensor PCB Design

6 天 left

I'm seeking an experienced PCB designer to help create a high-resolution, low noise, wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor for a surveillance camera system. The design should prioritize minimal image distortion while maintaining high performance in changing light conditions.

Key requirements are:

- Experience with PCB design, particularly with CMOS image sensors

- Proficiency in creating high-resolution, low noise circuits

- Ability to incorporate Wi-Fi capability in the PCB design

I am planning to use RTC6705 5.8GHz for FM transmission. It will use in FPV camera.

The ultimate objective of this project is to produce an efficient and high-performing sensor for surveillance cameras. Your knowledge and expertise in this specific niche will be highly appreciated and crucial towards rea...







(Avg Bid)



6 个竞标


Administration Assistant

6 天 left

Administration Assistant

Mode: Remote, Part time, flexible hours

We are looking for a candidate for a challenging role in long term project in Schengen Region.

Job description:

1. Be the first point of contact over calls and emails.

2. Online Research

3. Creating and conducting presentations.

4. Maintain relationship with clients as and when needed.

5. Travel within Scengen region for a short visit, if needed. ( The travel, accommodation expenses to be covered by the company. )

Eligibility :

1. Minimum Bachelors Degree from any faculty

2. Professional fluency in English and native fluency in any language from European region.

3. Strong verbal and communication skills.

4. Interpersonal skills

5. Quick learner, creative thinker, eager to learn and grow.

6. Good organisat...






$27 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$27 / hr


5 个竞标


Finding contacts and verified emails -- 2

6 天 left


I have 250 colleges and instutions list and I need someone proficient in email finding and contact research to give verified have to find Marketing/Admission Head of those instututions.

Should know how to use Apollo, or any other contact finding tool.


1. Company website

2. Tools (apollo, )

3. Google research

There is no payment for unverified emails /No contact found/website closed.

Urgent project


Lead Generation




(Avg Bid)



3 个竞标


Bilingual Website Project Manager Needed

6 天 left

We are a thriving network of international schools seeking a dynamic Project Manager to lead the creation of its new website on a fixed-term contract. If you are a seasoned web project management professional with excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively within multidisciplinary teams, this opportunity is for you.

Responsibilities include:

Facilitating the progression of each project phase, from goal definition to implementation.

Drafting requirements for the ToR (technical and functional) and producing various documents such as meeting materials, reports, and decision summaries.

Collaborating with teams to define the project's terms of reference based on three key criteria: final product quality, budget, and deadlines.

Drafting functional and technic...



Proposal Writing




(Avg Bid)



31 个竞标


Comprehensive Digital Marketing in Bangaluru

6 天 left


I'm in need of an experienced digital marketer, specifically located in Bangaluru, who could help me craft and execute a well-rounded marketing plan.

Key Requirements:

- Knowledge and experience in Social Media Marketing, particularly on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

- Expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), to enhance website visibility and rankings.

- Proven experience in Paid Advertising (PPC), to generate quick targeted traffic.

This marketing campaign must be tailored to engage and attract the following demographics:

- Parents, ages 25 to 45 years.

- Seniors, 55 years and above.

Building comprehensive strategies, implementing them effectively and delivering positive results will be the prime agenda. Your record should exhibit effective communication to...







(Avg Bid)



13 个竞标


Customizable Restaurant Management System -- 2

6 天 left

I am seeking an expert in software development to create a flexible restaurant management system for my business. This system should cater to three main functionalities:

1. Order Management: Orders should be traced in real-time and seamlessly linked to our inventory, effectively managing the stock and avoiding any shortages.

2. Menu Customization: The system should allow easy editing and manipulation of the menu - change pricing, add or remove items.

3. Reservation Management: I’d like a straightforward, user-friendly platform for customers to make, adjust or cancel reservations by phone number.

The ideal freelancer would have experience creating similar systems, as well as a strong understanding of Windows-based platform software development. Please note, the system must be Window...


C# 编程





(Avg Bid)



50 个竞标


YouTube Channel Sale: 2.14K Subscribers

6 天 left

I have decided to sell my YouTube channel, as I wish to prioritize my time on other projects and want to capitalize on it promptly.

Key Details:

- I have been managing this channel for less than a year.

- The channel's primary content is Countryballs Animation Shorts.

Potential purchasers should note the following:

- While my time as an administrator of this channel has been brief, it has grown quickly, currently boasting over 2,000 subscribers.

- Despite my desire to move onto other ventures, I have treated the channel with care and consistency ensuring the growth and interaction with the channel audience is constant.

- The "Countryballs" animation category has proven very popular, providing a solid subscriber base for anyone interested in continuing with the same them...






(Avg Bid)



1 个竞标


Stylish Blog Design

6 天 left

I'm in need of a seasoned web designer for the establishment of a blog. The audience I'm targeting to reach are young adults. The primary content on this web platform will encompass articles about job opportunities, career advice, and more.

Key requirements:

- Knowledge in creating engaging, aesthetic, responsive and user-friendly blog layout

- Familiarity with SEO best practices is crucial as the website needs to be easily locatable by the target audience.

- A good understanding of content related to career building for young adults would be a great asset.

Ideal candidate will have proven experience in creating successful blogs or similar platforms and a portfolio showcasing previously handled tasks.




Web Design



(Avg Bid)



5 个竞标


Разработка Словацкого Сайта

6 天 left

Мне требуется квалифицированный разработчик для создания сайта на словацком языке для моей транспортной компании.

- Размещаемая информация: Мне нужен сайт, на котором будет рассказано о наших услугах, контактных данных и ценах на услуги.

- Функционал: Обязательно желаем иметь возможность принимать онлайн-заказы и отслеживать грузы. Опция для онлайн-оплаты будет рассмотрена в качестве преимущества.

- Дизайн: Вам потребуется создать уникальный и привлекательный дизайн сайта.

Идеальный кандидат имеет опыт работы с подобными проектами и может предоставить примеры предыдущих работ. Кроме того, я предпочитаю, чтобы потенциальный исполнитель имел хорошее понимание транспортной отрасли.




(Avg Bid)



25 个竞标


Portfolio Thumbnail Revamp with Logos

6 天 left

I am looking to enhance the thumbnails in my online portfolio. My goal is to improve their visual appeal and extend branding efforts.

- Enhancements Required: My portfolio's thumbnails demand some edits. I require the addition of logos to increase their appeal and effectiveness.

- Elements to Add: I need the company logo added to each thumbnail. The logo will bolster brand consistency across my portfolio.

- Logo Positioning: Each logo should be strategically positioned at the bottom right corner of every thumbnail. The logo should not overwhelm the design but instead, subtly complement it.

Skills and Experience:

Freelancers bidding on this project should ideally have a background in graphic design and experiences with branding and online portfolios. Proficiency with image editing to...





Photoshop 设计


(Avg Bid)



8 个竞标


Software Development SOW Layout Creation

6 天 left


I'm seeking a professional with exceptional skills in creating a Scope of Work (SOW) layout. The focus of this project is to develop a precise SOW for a software development project.

Here's what I need:

- Expertise in creating a Word format SOW

- Knowledge in software development industry is imperative

- Ability to include sections on Project Objectives, Tasks, Deliverables, and Project Assumptions and Agreements

With your experience, you will bring ideas that will ensure clarity and comprehensiveness of our SOW. I'm open to criticism and new innovative ideas. Looking forward to your bids!

Microsoft Word




UML 设计


(Avg Bid)



1 个竞标


Comprehensive Industry Analysis

6 天 left


I am looking for a detailed industry report that provides insights into market trends, competitive analysis, and consumer behavior both globally and specifically in the Indian market. The aim is to utilize this report for business planning purposes. The report needs to extensively cover the following elements:

- Market Trends: Understand the patterns and directions that the industry is heading towards in both global and Indian markets.

- Competitive Analysis: Gain insights into who the current global and Indian players are. Discover their strategies, market share, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

- Consumer Insights: Comprehend the consumer's attitudes, preferences, and buying behaviors that influence the market trends.

- Market Size: Track the size of the market in terms of volume an...







(Avg Bid)



10 个竞标


Trophy icon

Parallax Effect Laravel Two-Page Website - 07/03/2024 05:35 EST

7 天 left

I need a skilled developer who is proficient in Laravel to create a two-page website for me. It's essential that the website incorporates a parallax effect, making it more engaging and dynamic.

Key Features:

- Parallax scrolling: The site must incorporate parallax scrolling, providing a sense of depth and enhancing the user experience.

- Images and Text Content: The content to be displayed on the website will comprise of both images and text. It is important that these are perfectly integrated within the parallax framework.

Ideal Candidate Skills:

- Expertise in Laravel and understanding of parallax scrolling.

- Demonstrable experience in creating websites with a mix of images and text content.

- Capable of delivering visually appealing design smoothly incorporating the desired...




Tailwind CSS



(Avg Bid)



0 项参赛作品


"Chic E-Commerce Shopfront" -- 2

6 天 left

I'm seeking a talented website developer to improve and finalise a sophisticated e-commerce platform that mirrors the elegant and high-quality nature of the products on offer. The core requirements are:

- Custom e-commerce website development.

- Focus on health and beauty products, gift boxes, and scarves

- Elegant and sophisticated design aesthetic.

Ideal Candidate Skills:

- Experience with e-commerce platforms Shopify

- Strong UI/UX design skills for creating a user-friendly shopping experience.

- Proficiency in responsive web design.

- SEO optimization knowledge.

- Proven track record in security features for online transactions.

-Genrate codes to include multiple variant options and personalisation options

My aim is to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers who ar...







(Avg Bid)



54 个竞标


Expert Lead Generator for Sports and Fitness - Commissions

6 天 left


I am looking for a dedicated freelancer for lead generation, who is comfortable working on a commission-based payment structure.

I'm currently in search of leads specifically in the general sports coaching areas.

The Client Avatar is as followed:

Influencers with products

coaches with proven products

has a digital presence

already a base reach: personal account 5k+ followers or Business account 3k+ followers

We are a marketing agency specified on short form content

If you have:

- Relevant experience in lead generation within the coaching or sports industries

- An ability to identify and pursue strong potential leads

- A proven track record of identifying potential customers for product sales

- Comfort in working under a commission-based payment model.

Since there is ...






$55 - $327


$55 - $327

4 个竞标


Teams Auto Attendance Configuration for ISP

6 天 left


I need someone skilled in Microsoft Teams and Windows system management and intune setup to place all work devices in a secure environment. I'm looking to automate key functionalities within my ISP company. Notably, this will involve setting up auto attendance, managing call queues and the handling of calls. This process must be implemented for 6 to 10 departments. Experience in ISP industry operations and telephony within Microsoft Teams would be a considerable plus.



Windows Service


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5 个竞标


Podcast Niche Inside Sales Pro

6 天 left


As an entrepreneur in the podcast niche, I am urgently seeking an experienced Inside Sales Representative to join our team. Your role will involve selling our business-oriented podcast content to prospective clients, developing sales strategies and measuring results.

Key responsibilities will include:

- Continual prospecting and lead generation

- Presentation of our unique content to interested parties

- Following up on leads and closing deals

Ideal skills and experiences for the job:

- Proven track record in inside sales, preferably within the podcast niche

- Excellent communication and presentation skills

- A keen interest and understanding of business and entrepreneurship content

In short, if you have a knack for inside sales and a love for podcasts, this job could be for you!


Sales Promotion

$2 - $8 / hr

$2 - $8 / hr

0 个竞标


Enhancing PowerPoint Visuals & Colors

6 天 left


I'm in need of a professional with a keen eye for aesthetics to improve the visual aspects of my existing PowerPoint presentation.

Key components to be enhanced include:

- Color Scheme: The current one feels a bit lacking, so let's shift it to a monochromatic color scheme to achieve a more harmonious and professional look.

- Use of Images: I need my images to be presented in a more engaging manner.

Skills and Experience:

Ideal candidates should possess strong skills in graphic design, PowerPoint, and understand all aspects of effective visual communication in presentations. Experience in color theory would be a strong asset. Proven work presenting complex information in understandable, compelling ways is essential.







(Avg Bid)



91 个竞标


Recruiter for Veterinary Specialist

6 天 left

I'm looking for an experienced recruiter who has a focus in veterinary specialisation, ideally with 2+ years of experience in the field.

A few key points for consideration:

Skills Required:

- Strong communication skills

- Efficient onboarding capabilities

- Specialized knowledge in veterinary roles, specifically surgery, radiology, and dental care


- Candidate sourcing

- Conduct thorough interviews

- Screen potential candidate resumes

- Negotiate job offers

Project Duration:

- We are looking for a long-term partnership with a 2+ years commitment

Recruiters with an extensive network in the respective field and prior experience will be preferred. We are keen to partner with someone who has an eye for detail and can deliver efficient and effective results. The su...



$15 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$15 / hr


3 个竞标


Meditation/Visualization App Tester -- 2

6 天 left


We are looking for meditation / visualization app testers.

What we’re doing:

This is one part research project, and one part practical application. We’ve developed a web app called Time-Machine .com. Our goal is to see whether humans have the ability to visualize a future outcome while in a mildly meditative state. I know… it sounds a little crazy, but this does work, and the science behind it is really very deep. To date, we have collectively completed over 16,000 trials which have been 51% correct in predicting their respective future outcomes resulting in over 2.2 standard deviations from chance expectation. This translates to odds against chance of approximately 1 in 100. This means that such an outcome is highly unlikely to occur by random chance, indicating that ...


Lifestyle Coach




(Avg Bid)



1 个竞标


Comprehensive HR Services Needed

6 天 left

I am looking for an experienced HR freelancer to take on a multitude of HR-related tasks. If you are someone with a 2-5 years experience in the field, this may be the perfect project for you. No formal certification is required, so long as you've got the hands-on experience and knowledge.


- Employee Recruitment: Identifying talent and hiring employees that will be a great fit for my organization.

- Performance Evaluations: Assessing employee performance and providing feedback to help them improve and excel.

- HR Policies and Procedures: Assisting in the creation and implementation of HR policies, ensuring they are fair, compliant and beneficial to the overall work environment.

Ideal skills:

- Solid understanding of HR practices and labor legislation

- Excellent d...




$13 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$13 / hr


5 个竞标


Energetic Thailand Travel Video Editing Needed

6 天 left


As an avid traveller, I've recently journeyed through the iconic landscapes of Thailand and I need a talented video editor to breathe life into my footage. I'm after two varieties of content:

1. Short Form Videos (1-3 minutes)

2. Long Form Videos (5-10 minutes)

My preference is for a fast-paced and energetic editing style to encapsulate the vibrant culture and electrifying experiences of my travel. I'm expecting clean, professional edits that can captivate my audience from start to finish, with quick transitions and an upbeat rhythm.

Skills & Experience:

- Professional video editing experience

- Proficiency in fast-paced and energetic editing

- Previous experience editing travel vlogs or similar content is desirable

- Strong command of industry-standard video editing...






$6 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$6 / hr


14 个竞标


Interactive Brokers Automated Stock Trading Bot

6 天 left

I require a trading bot developed specifically for the Interactive Brokers trading platform. This bot will not just be any ordinary bot but tailored for:

• Automated trading: The bot should be able to execute trades automatically based on the predefined parameters and strategies.

Assets to be handled:

• Stocks: Although it may be a standard feature, I still emphasise that the bot should be proficient in handling stock trades.

Skills and Experience:

For this job, an ideal freelancer has extensive background with creating trading bots, specifically for Interactive Brokers. Proven experience with automated trading platform software and a deep understanding of stocks is highly sought. Coding expertise that aligns with Interactive Brokers' API is necessary. Knowledge in financ...

Freelancer API






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18 个竞标


Vintage Monochrome Logo Design

6 天 left

I am in need of a skilled graphic designer to create a vintage style, monochrome logo for my brand.

Key Project Specifics:

- Logo design will be in the vintage style: think timeless, elegant, and sophisticated.

- The output should be monochrome. While it's a single-tone design, balancing the contrast and details is important.

Ideal Skills & Expertise:

- Track record in logo design, particularly in the vintage style.

- Understanding of monochrome design principles.

- An ability to translate brand identity into visual elements.

- Strong communication and the ability to receive feedback.

- Punctuality, with respect to timeline and deadline fulfilment.

I welcome portfolios that demonstrate expertise in these areas, and I am excited to see how you can bring my brand to life visual...






$31 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$31 / hr


51 个竞标


Trophy icon

Figma First Page makeover, look at url

5 天 left

I'm in need of a skillful designer who's experienced with Figma to beautifully redesign the first page of my website. , do also phone version.

!!!important!!! ... use same components

Key Goals:

- Revamping the existing color scheme with a fresh, engaging style.

- Reorganizing the content layout for enhanced clarity and user experience.

- Boosting the visual appeal through refined images and iconography.

Impacting user engagement, overall user experience, and brand identity are essential for this redesign.

Preferred Design Style:

- A harmonious blend of minimalistic and clean design, coupled with bold, vibrant colors.

- The design should also reflect an air of sophistication and elegance.

The ideal candidate should possess a great eye for detail, a knack for balancing for...





用户接口 / IA


(Avg Bid)



0 项参赛作品


CapCut Photo & Video Edit Mastery

6 天 left


I am eagerly seeking an experienced editor who is familiar with the CapCut application, in particular, with the adjustment of brightness and contrast. I have some photos that need to be worked on, with the aim to enhance their visual appeal and generate a captivating visual narrative.

Crucial Points:

- You'll work under my guidelines, but I highly encourage your creative input for this project.

- Show me your ability to add character to my photos by adjusting the brightness and contrast.

- I am after a quick turnaround for these edits. Ideally, I'd love for it to be completed within a day or two, but without compromising great quality.

Ideal Candidate:

- Proficient in the CapCut application, particularly in image & video editing.

- Strong sense of visual composition and a...







(Avg Bid)



16 个竞标


Diseñador Web en Wordpress

6 天 left

Oportunidad Laboral: Diseñador de Sitios Web Especialista en WordPress

Empresa líder en el sector de diseño web busca incorporar a su equipo un/a Diseñador/a de Sitios Web con experiencia y especialización en la implementación de WordPress. Si eres apasionado/a por el diseño digital y posees habilidades en Elementor y WooCommerce, ¡te invitamos a formar parte de nuestro equipo!


Crear y diseñar sitios web atractivos y funcionales utilizando WordPress como plataforma principal.

Implementar diseños personalizados utilizando Elementor para garantizar una experiencia de usuario excepcional.

Integrar y personalizar tiendas en línea utilizando WooCommerce, optimizando la experiencia de compra para lo...







(Avg Bid)



42 个竞标


RCS Messaging Specialist Required

6 天 left

Hello and thank you for bidding on my project.

I need some one who is familiar with RCS messages, I need to set up custom ID , I dont want to be dependent of any website, I need an api to host my self.

Contact me for any question







(Avg Bid)



3 个竞标


Intune Interrogation via PowerShell Script

6 天 left

I am on the hunt for a PowerShell maestro who can conjure up a script capable of retrieving a list of installed applications on a specific device enrolled in Intune. The goal of this script is to manage and monitor the utilization of resources more effectively across our digital infrastructure.

Your responsibilities will include:

- Writing the PowerShell script to interrogate Intune for the required information.

- Ensuring accurate data retrieval.

- Debugging and testing to guarantee the consistent performance of the script.

Given the highly specific nature of this task, prior experience in handling PowerShell scripting is mandatory, to ensure that you can hit the ground running. Get in touch if you can confidently navigate the complexities of Intune and transform your PowerShell prowess...






(Avg Bid)



13 个竞标


Backblaze S3 Bucket Creation

6 天 left


for an existing LARAVEL webapplication, i need to change the S3 bucket to backblaze bucket. Only respond if you have experience with backblaze

Amazon S3



(Avg Bid)



20 个竞标


Laravel Expert for Facebook ads Integration + whatsapp integration

6 天 left


As part of my ongoing project, I am in need of a qualified developer with proficiency in Laravel and some front-end framework, preferably JavaScript. The ideal candidate should have experience and knowledge with various social media integrations, specifically Facebook and Whatsapp.

Key Project Requirements:

- The major requirement for this project is the ability to import leads generated through Facebook Ads campaigns.

- The import of these leads should be automated.

- These imported leads will then need to be stored in a database.

- I will need to send whatsapp messages to these leads. Also need bulk messaging with whatsapp.

Ideal Skills and Expertise:

- Proficient in Laravel and JavaScript

- Experience with Facebook API such as managing and importing leads

- Familiarity with database m...





Vue.js Framework


(Avg Bid)



27 个竞标


wordpress and php expert to help me get my site the way it was earlier

6 天 left


I am seeking experienced WordPress professionals who can help in the revival of my old website. Here's what you'll be working on:

- Restoration Process: I'm not certain if a backup of my old website exists, so a knack for reverse engineering an existing design may be needed.

- Reproducing the Site: Crucially, you'll be reproducing the styling and design as well as the content and pages of my old website onto WordPress.

- Additional Features: On top of this, I would like a contact form feature incorporated within the design.

The ideal candidate possesses strong WordPress development skills, a fine eye for design, and proven experience in replicating pre-existing website designs with precision. Experience with integrating contact forms is also required. Your expertise ...







(Avg Bid)



13 个竞标


Refine Images with Warm Tones

6 天 left

I'm in need of an adept photo editor able to do color correction and retouching on my images, tilting them towards warm tones. The job will involve:

- Adjusting colors to reflect warm aesthetics.

- Carrying out soft retouching tactics, which include smoothing the skin and removing basic blemishes.

An ideal candidate will have a demonstrated ability in photo editing with specific experience in color correction and soft retouching. A keen eye for aesthetics, particularly around warm hues and skin enhancement is vital. Time sensitivity and attention to detail are also key characteristics for success in this task.

Adobe Lightroom




Photoshop 设计


(Avg Bid)



43 个竞标


Website Conversion for Easy Editing

6 天 left


I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to convert my existing website into a WordPress, Wix, or Joomla platform. Here's what this specific project will require:

- Website Conversion: A full transfer of my current site over to WordPress , Wix, or Joomla . It's important that the overall design, format, and functionality remains the same. The logo, brand colors, and style must also be consistent.

- User-friendly Interface: As my preference is to only have basic control for content updates, it should be intuitive for me to make simple edits. I should be able to effortlessly add/remove photos and alter written content.

- Suite of Pages: My website is quite small, hosting less than five pages. However, I need all these pages to be seamlessly moved over to the WordPress platform wit...







(Avg Bid)



67 个竞标


IT Recruiter

6 天 left

I need IT recruiter to help with hiring in Japan.


Talent Acquisition


(Avg Bid)



2 个竞标


WordPress Site Expansion: 8 Pages informative/static

6 天 left

I need a proficient WordPress developer to expand my existing website by adding eight additional static pages. This should follow the current design and layout already established on the site.

Key requirements:

- Fully responsive layout across all types of devices

- Staying within a budget of 35-40$

Although the structure for these new pages wasn't explicitly detailed, I expect them to be incorporated seamlessly into the site's current design.

All the necessary content for each page (texts and images) is ready and will be provided by me. Consequently, there'll be no need for content creation or editing.

Skills and Experience:

- Expertise in WordPress development

- Strong understanding of responsive design

- Ability to remain within budget

- Excellent communication ...







(Avg Bid)



53 个竞标


Market Information Collection - Hair Care Segment

6 天 left


Dear Freelancer

I hope this letter finds you well. We are currently seeking a talented and detail-oriented individual with expertise in data mining and market research to assist us in gathering valuable insights into the Indian hair care market. Your profile, as an MBA candidate and data mining expert, caught our attention, and we believe you possess the skills necessary for this project.

Project Overview:

We are looking to compile comprehensive market information on the hair care segment in India. The key focus areas include:

Top 10 Hair Care Segment Operating Companies:

Identify and provide detailed information on the leading companies operating in the Indian hair care segment.

10 New Latest Innovations in Hair Care Products Segment:

Research and document the ten most recent and acce...







(Avg Bid)



3 个竞标


Chrome Extension Development with Adjust Button

6 天 left


I'm looking for an expert in Chrome extensions to do some change in my extension that.i am using but we need to do it urgent within 2 or 3 hours maximum

- Strong expertise in Javascript and Chrome extension development

- Proven track record in building Chrome extensions with customization features

- Excellent understanding of browser tab management, synchronized data, and UI customization

- Understanding of user behavior with the ability to intuitively place the ‘Adjust’ button for ease of use.




jQuery / Prototype



(Avg Bid)



4 个竞标


Trophy icon

AI for Computer Science Problem-Solving - 04/03/2024 07:15 EST

7 天 left

I am looking for an artificial intelligence expert who can rigorously support in solving a set of complex problem-solving tasks in the field of Computer Science.


- Initiate and implement an AI-driven model for data analysis, natural language processing, and image recognition.

- Formulate an accurate solution with the help of AI for intensive problem-solving tasks in Computer Science.


- Proficiency in AI/ML technologies and tools.

- Exceptional problem-solving skills, with a focus on Computer Science applications.

- Extensive experience in data analysis, natural language processing, and image recognition.

- An ability to swiftly familiarize with a diverse range of Computer Science problems and harness AI to craft precise ...







(Avg Bid)



0 项参赛作品


Architectural Portfolio Site Development

6 天 left


I'm searching for a skilled web developer to create a website for my existing architecture business. The website will mainly serve as a portfolio space to showcase our innovative architectural designs and broad range of services.

Essential Skills:

• Experience in web development, specifically portfolio websites

• Knowledge of UI/UX design

• Creativity to communicate our vision effectively

Job Description:

• Develop an attractive, responsive, and secure website

• Ensure the site is SEO-friendly and optimized for performance

• Integrate high-quality images of our architectural designs

• Provide easy navigation for users between different service sections

As this is an existing business, integrating our current branding into the website is crucial...




用户接口 / IA



(Avg Bid)



39 个竞标


Craft An Engaging Language Course

6 天 left


Hi I will share the details with the shortlisted candidates. Thanks



English Translation


French Tutoring

$15 / hr

(Avg Bid)

$15 / hr


3 个竞标



















中文(简体) - P.R. China













Photo Anywhere


























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Freelancer注册操作教程及收款方式分析 - 知乎

Freelancer注册操作教程及收款方式分析 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Freelancer注册操作教程及收款方式分析star hunterFreelancer作为全球规模最大的自由职业市场,会员注册量超过3000万。相比于另一知名的自由职业平台——Upwork来说,freelance的注册条件更宽松,并且还有中文版,方便国人做任务,因此在该平台上活跃的中国自由职业者,要比Upwork上多很多。Freelancer上的运营模式主要有三种:竞标、竞赛和服务:竞标 —— 这个模式流程和Upwork平台一样,即在客户发布工作后,多个自由职业者参与竞标,雇主选择合适的自由职业者为其工作,这个模式是在面试考核完毕后才开始工作。雇主发布项目免费,自由职业者中标后收取10%的手续费(最少收$5美金)。竞赛(Contests) —— 雇主发布一个需求,需要征集若干个作品,很多自由职业者在完成工作后提交稿件(一般最少要30个参赛作品),雇主再从这几十个甚至上百个作品中挑选合适的作品并支付佣金,雇主发布项目免费,中标的自由职业者收取3%的手续费, 竞赛的一个弊端就是如果客户没有选中您的作品,可能会白忙活一场。服务(Services) —— 这个模式和另一个平台Fiverr有些类似,即自由职业者将自己的技能或者提供的服务打包成模块定价进行销售,雇主如果需要服务可以直接下单购买,这样就提高了效率,节约雇主和自由职业者的时间。例如,自由职业者为自己创建了一个服务:设计一个LOGO – $100美金,如果客户需要设计一个LOGO就可以直接拍下这个服务。如果你在Freelancer想玩的6,就要注册账号,创建个人主页、选择你所感兴趣的项目技能、上传作品集、获取项目通知、与雇主探讨项目细节、在项目上竞标和参与竞赛。Freelancer赚美元教程Freelancer注册地址:http://www.www.freelancer.co.uk1、注册Freelancer账号,点击右上角Sign Up填写注册资料,邮箱-用户名-密码,未来登录使用用户名和密码登录。选择雇主还是威客都不要紧,都可以做项目赚钱或投放项目。2、Freelancer的免费会员每个月可以参与10个竞标,参与竞赛没有限制作为初级、中级、专业级 或 大师级会员,专业会员被悬赏项目的概率提高了447%*,新人可以免费试用一个月专业级付费会员。3、在Freelancer有了参与稿件的资本,要提高中标率,还需要认证技点击右上角用户名进入个人中心,完善个人主页资料,编辑更新自己的个人信息,对自己的能力进行描述,上传个人资料照片,能验证的验证,最后再验证技能。虽然验证技能需要费用35元,但是这样可以加深雇主的信任,还是必须认证的,为了赚钱,威客必须得小投资下,至少比国内威客店铺收上万的保证金要靠谱的多。现在Freelancer支持微信和支付宝,付钱认证就行了。4、最后再来选择项目做,选择项目或竞赛都可以项目竞争更小,适合个人的一些任务,站长朋友没有可以操作下边的类型网站类:html,Php,Mysql,wordpress,网站修改,数据库设计类:图片、logo、编程文案类:各类写作、翻译Freelancer网站支持中文以后,有近一半的任务现在来自中国,如果你是个人操作Freelancer,1千美金以下的项目基本不用想了,都被一些团队包揽了,这些人主要来自印度、美国、澳大利亚等国家。英文不好的威客可以多尝试下一些软文写作和网络营销,freelancer的沟通是一个问题,有些项目需要语音、skype、电话等方式联系。比如我们选择了3000字文章任务,这个雇主来自中国,看见小红旗了吧,勾选擅长的项目竞标。5、邮箱认证,资料已经完善的会跳过此步骤6、选择竞标费用,然后交付时间,点击竞标7、提示是否竞标顶部,这个是花钱的,直接选择“不,谢谢”8、已经成功参与了竞标,投标的时候一定要提供比别人更为详尽的讯息比如为什么你认为自己能胜任这个项目;你的具体实施方案是怎样的;有可能的话还要提供以往的类似作品或案例供买家参考,这样才能有更大机会中标。随着不断的投稿、交稿,累计到完成Freelancer的项目要求后,Freelancer会颁发给你一个优秀威客的标识,这个标志也可以增加雇主选择你来完成他的任务的几率。Freelancer提现1、Freelancer支持信用卡和paypal提现,点击价格下的提现2、有多种收款方式,Freelancer支持银行卡收款,也就是快速提款,到账的是人民币。其它几种提款方式,虽然也是免费,但电子钱包是收手续费的。Express Withdrawals – 快速取款:直接从http://Freelancer.com账户余额美元提现到国内的银行账户,并自动结算成人民币(CNY),一般需要2-3天,这种提现方式使用的是http://Freelancer.com的汇率结算,汇率损失较大,不推荐。Payoneer – 派安盈:Payoneer是http://freelancer.com官方推荐提现方式,Payoneer年费$29.95刀,提现到国内银行账户手续费1.2%,一般1个工作日到账,不过不占用个人年度外汇额度。PayPal – 贝宝:将http://Freelancer.com账户余额美元提现到Paypal免费,再通过Paypal提现到国内的银行账户$35/笔,可以作为http://freelaner.com第二提现方案。Wire Withdrawals – 电汇:使用电汇方式可以将http://Freelancer.com账户余额美元提现到国内的银行账户(USD),一般需要3-5天,这种提现方式与 快速取款 的不同在于,提回来到国内银行的仍然是美元,这种方式会占用个人每年的5W美元的外汇额度。 不过使用PingPong的话,也可以解决结汇限额,不需要年费,提现费率1%。3、输入提款金额,最少$ 30,输入正确银行的信息资料不清楚的,咨询开户行电话。第一次取款将被延迟15天,提款订单一般在背景时间周一和周三上午的6点进行处理。PS:Freelancer发布任务的话,需要先充值,充值支持支付宝和微信,发布流程跟国内的威客网一样,你也可以指定一些威客去完成任务,这里就不再介绍了,有问题可以留言交流。发布于 2020-04-30 15:13elancefreelancefreelancer.com​赞同 18​​17 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

为什么自由职业者叫 freelancer? - 知乎

为什么自由职业者叫 freelancer? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册冷知识自由职业为什么自由职业者叫 freelancer?为什么不可以是 free axer、free swordsman 或者更一般化一些 free knight、free warrior?古代的长矛兵比其…显示全部 ​关注者131被浏览29,298关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 1​添加评论​分享​4 个回答默认排序姚旭​ 关注lancer是一种骑兵, 大概形象是这样Freelancer语源上来自于欧洲的雇佣兵, The term was first used by Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) in Ivanhoe to describe a "medieval mercenary warrior" or "free-lance" (indicating that the lance is not sworn to any lord's services, not that the lance is available free of charge). [1]lancer作为当时欧洲最强大的战争单位, 是雇佣军的主要兵种, 所以lancer成了雇佣兵的代表. 于是有了freelancer这种雇佣兵的代名词.During the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, these weapons, both mounted and unmounted, were so effective that lancers and pike men not only became a staple of every Western army, but also became highly sought-after mercenaries.[2]而knight这个词是"骑士", 属于贵族体系内. 公侯伯子男下面就是准爵和骑士. knight本身还需要遵守骑士精神, 是不会成为雇佣军的. 也就不具备了雇佣军这种打一仗换个东家的自由职业军人形象了.via:[1]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer[2]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance编辑于 2012-02-22 23:54​赞同 77​​6 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​知乎用户@姚旭 的答案已经很好了。特别强调一下,为什么不是free+其他名词,需要了解的是一个背景,就是lance是需要花钱雇佣并且也十分贪财的一种warrior(不仅是一个人,这种唯利是图拿钱卖命的团队也叫lance),在当时战争年代是主流的作战力量单位,不等同于江湖剑客或者贵族骑士。free lance原始的意思是自由的长矛骑士(团),不会誓从任何一个君主,只要给钱他就能为你雇佣工作。这和后来的自由职业者——没有固定雇佣者,给钱就干活——的形象很是契合。所以也就没有free swordman等表达了。特别注意这个词的词性很是特别。原先是一个名词free lance (或free-lance), 后来变成了一个形容词、副词甚至动词,而”自由职业者“需要加er变成freelancer。即使现在仍有一些人使用freelance作为”自由职业者“的名词使用,但freelancer比较主流。例如:Tom is a freelance. (名词,较少这么使用)Tom is a freelancer. (freelancer较为多见)Tom is a freelance photographer. (形容词)Tom works freelance as a photographer. (副词)Tom doesn't go to work in the morning; he freelances as a photographer. (动词)编辑于 2017-01-30 03:43​赞同 34​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​​写回答3 个回答被折叠(为什

Freelancer——自由职业者零工平台 - 知乎

Freelancer——自由职业者零工平台 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Freelancer——自由职业者零工平台隽才汇 GoHRO​​堪培拉大学 工商管理硕士公司简介:按用户和项目数量计算,Freelancer是世界上最大的自由职业者和众包市场。http://Freelancer.com与来自250个国家,地区和地区的全球6200多万雇主和自由职业者建立联系。通过http://Freelancer.com的市场,雇主可以雇用自由职业者从事软件开发,编写,数据输入和设计等领域的工作,直至工程,科学,销售和市场营销,会计和法律服务。主要业务:零工平台总部所在地:澳大利亚 新南威尔士 悉尼创立时间:2009年上市证券交易所:澳大利亚证券交易所;股票代码:FLN公司官网:https://www.freelancer.com/ (英文)https://www.freelancer.cn/ (中文)品牌故事:Freelancer是目前全球最大的面向自由职业者的零工平台类网站之一,它将西方国家的小型企业和个人与来自发展中国家的威客联系起来,为全球各地的企业家提供服务。个人和企业可以在该网站发布有关编程、翻译、设计、写作、教育、会计及其他专业技能的各种工作任务,具备相应技能的人才可以领取任务,完成后获得报酬。目前平台注册个人和企业数超过6200万,覆盖了全球近250个国家和地区。2009年,在大型科技公司工作过,有着创业经历的公司创始人马特.巴里(Matt Barrie)看到瑞典的网站http://GetAFreelancer.com背后的无限商机,当即买下了当时已有50万注册用户的http://GetAFreelancer.com,并把总部搬到了悉尼,然后专心发展第三世界国家市场。在当时的美国,大公司花费1万美元请设计师设计图标是大家司空见惯的事。但很多人却不知道世界上有许多国家的工程师平均工资只有8美元/天,而300美元就是他们的月收入了。发达国家的公司完全可以用非常低廉的价钱去请人完成这个图标的设计。而Freelancer正是嫁接劳资两端的平台。Freelancer在英语为官方语言的发展中国家非常受欢迎。目前,35%成功的配对的自由职业者来自印度。很多发展中国家的自由职业者从中受益,因为平均每完成一个项目,他们就可以获得200美元的收入,这相当于他们大半个月的工资。有一位印度用户甚至开了自己的外包公司,专门在Freelancer上接揽各种业务,年收入超过100万美元。目前印度、孟加拉国、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、中国是Freelancer上自由职业者用户来源最多的国家。得益于Freelance良好的本土化运作,中国也有众多的雇主会选择在Freelancer平台上发布工作需求。(Freelancer已经开通中文网站http://freelancer.cn)Freelancer在2011年搞了有创意的活动:如果你在最多的人面前展示http://Freelancer.com的logo,你就可以获得2万5千美元的奖金。然后各种疯狂的行径就开始了!一位尼泊尔的用户做了一个16×10米的logo横幅悬挂在加德满都的比姆森塔上。一个孟加拉的团队制作了一个185平方米的横幅,并召集了3000名穿着Freelancer T恤的人参加活动。在美国,一个团队制作了一个由氢气球,Freelancer横幅和LED灯组成的飞行物在晚上放飞,当地的报纸第二天还说发现了不明飞行物。。。毫无疑问,这一营销活动取得了巨大的成功。2013年,Freelancer Limited 在澳大利亚证券交易所上市,股票代码 ASX: FLN。以每股0.5澳元(约合0.48美元)发售3000万股新股,这项交易对该公司的估值为2.18亿澳元(约合2.06亿美元)。受疫情影响,Freelancer当前市值为1.09亿澳元,约合0.69亿美元,2022.10.17全球股市行情实时数据)。http://Freelancer.com已经收购了多个外包市场,包括http://GetAFreelancer.com 和 http://EUFreelance.com(由 Magnus Tibell 于 2004 年在瑞典创立)、LimeExchange(美国 Lime Labs LLC 的前身)、http://Scriptlance.com(由 Rene Trescases 于 2001 年在加拿大创立 ,自由职业的早期开拓者之一)、http://Freelancer.de Booking Center(德国)、http://Freelancer.co.uk(英国)、http://Webmaster-talk.com(美国的一个网站管理员论坛)、Rent-A-Coder (也叫vWorker,自由职业者市场的早期开创者 Ian Ippolito 在美国创立)、Warrior Forum(勇士论坛,知名互联网营销社区平台)、Escrow(美国电子支付服务平台)等。创始团队马特.巴里(Matt Barrie) 董事长兼首席执行官 CEOMatt毕业于斯坦佛大学应用金融和电子工程系,是一名屡获奖项的科技企业家。他在悉尼大学电子与信息工程系担任了15年兼职副教授工作。讲授密码学和技术风险等专业。有超过20个美国专利申请。之前他曾创立了无线传感器网络公司并担任首席执行官,该公司提供的高性能网络安全处理器,于2013年卖给英特尔公司。2006年,他因为对信息技术及电信(IT&T)行业的贡献而被授予State Pearcey奖。2010年,他被悉尼大学工程与信息技术学院评为年度校友。2011年,他被澳大利亚最负盛名的商业出版物《商业周刊》(BRW)评为首届“年度企业家”(Entrepreneur of the Year),并被安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)评为“年度科技企业家”(Technology Entrepreneur of the Year)。2016年,他被澳大利亚自由意志协会评为年度自由意志主义者。点此前往→ 隽才汇 GoHRO发布于 2022-10-21 19:50零工经济Freelancer自由职业者​赞同 5​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请